1. BlueRay, RIP? - EEVblog
Oct 31, 2017 · Blu-ray discs are highly variable. If you are in an NTSC zone, a large number of Blu-rays show a distinct improvement over the DVD (480 ...
BlueRay, RIP? - Page 2
2. Blu-ray release dates
Blu-ray release calendar with release dates for new and upcoming Blu-ray releases. Filter. Select studio ...
3. A Return to Blu-ray as Streaming Value Evaporates | Hacker News
Blu-rays really aren't being produced anymore, so I suspect that the only sustainable preservation effort will end up being piracy.
tombert 7 months ago | next [–]
4. Rip SACD with a Blu-ray player | Page 15 - HiFi Haven
May 12, 2018 · It is generally speaking preferable to connect these units via Ethernet. WiFi will work more or less well depending on the exact operating ...
Transfer rates will depend on a whole range of variables, however, I suspect the BDP-S490 Ethernet port is 100MB which would be faster than a WLAN card using the 802.11n standard which is pretty common. No built in option for WLAN on the BDP-S490 though That's how I understand it, this era...
5. HD DVD's to BLURAY - VideoHelp Forum
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I have a Toshiba HD player, I would like to know if someone can tell me what I need to do to copy my HD DVD’s to Bluray. What program to I need?
See AlsoMybaystate Registration Page
6. Vinegar Syndrome Discussion Thread - Page 7141 - Blu-ray Forum
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Vinegar Syndrome Discussion Thread Studios and Distributors
7. WWE DVDs & Blu-Rays Officially Cancelled Beginning 2024
Dec 5, 2023 · WWE Home Video have been releasing VHS, DVD & Blu-ray for 36 ... i had really looked forward to my survivor series 2023 blu ray. this ...
WWE Home Video is over at the end of the year. No more WWE DVDs & Blu-rays after a near four-decade run with physical media.
Sep 16, 2023 · A second bonus disc features the worldwide Blu-ray debut ... perfect way to bring the film back into circulation, and in higher resolution!
1960s Pop Culture, Design, TV, Movies, Music, Comics, Fashion, Architecture, James Bond, Man From UNCLE, Op Art, Pop Art, Mid-Century Modern, Mod
9. Code Red Blu-ray Discussion Thread (RIP Bill "Bananaman" Olsen)
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Page 727- Code Red Blu-ray Discussion Thread (RIP Bill "Bananaman" Olsen) Studios and Distributors
10. Red Dwarf: Series I-VIII Bluray Review - Ganymede & Titan
Jan 18, 2019 · Pleasingly, they've taken the opportunity to excise the rogue Series 2 shot from the Series III montage, bringing Cat's backwards-poo-reaction ...
Oh boy, where to begin? This is comfortably the largest Red Dwarf release ever, containing not only 71.2% of all episodes ever (or Series I-VIII, as most people refer to it), but all the extras from the original DVD range, including The Bodysnatcher Collection. Not only that, the episodes have been restored, upscaled to a high-definition resolution, and given what's been officially referred to as an