Carmarthen Journal from Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire, Wales (2024)

rar 1 4 Qarmartbrn AND WEEKLY VoL. WORICIIIN AND COLONIAL The lettelligenee brought by the arrivals hog the Conttnent is not of any impartnnee. The Paris papers are chiefly occupied with fhs isserrection is Poland, which they nay may prow veep serious matter if the insurgents cllll hold est he Ws er three days. The American intellicene3 peadreed a useited ha in the French Rotas ou Monday, but, arreeibsimoseshes very little attention from the journals. According to a letter from Algiers of 2.10 by the Tardosards of the let the Dukes and Mostpensier, and a rehdoremseat of 13.000 seem were expected is Africa to take part is the grand thot wino the Kabobs.

Is am a kdirb. Oar oonousto hoot der Oasis poldhino a royal aseron if litortl. on ilo Saes Autstotior ai Paris. On that Ay the lloosto voted she by a siojork of 117 to h. iiiior from Raw MOM dm dal limisa mom bad persid a sow te is life.

dm mom polio, mommoo, time WOO st es MoMmourt mods by is Mises isms Merit wisegiese. Martin to lb' seania nibs inis ass Illik. Tbe moo above land ta assiansas die nib st the amorilomo magma Ss lave bora owls by ths tali Masa. noweneat bat exteeleil le lie 'bole of Patna; bet the eneeen en se now liebeetset en it le iimperible be mien Ike ellielten areminmi We tiny limpillee a bre et elbe son skullinee Ilene RIM etiberele el dr lima eleepied tM gnat lento cram Ars dr new enema man tint of Menem Ceealle Rim gni Perm. lis Praxis.

Chard thie sr ansmes thit atm. bums bras Nam Cassw to Os NO et Pflonary. TO astagfig 47 ti. up mar mos esselstay isolorel la demur ea the iintlioraWe of inimilea log lita tam frau hurrelt Ibm Premium flaawed aueittetis sorsums Mid the b. Wolllgatate Met ihe threldri Came sme mei readamthry, mad that the lanindlos hod opind smith Ores loth berm digattheib eemmedmelm a demiltrable beili et Inds the ithethm.

is eth rdr emrt trith the OW Treddlog Pews Om eels dam The Pradomit ernes Amnia dal Mt lemimmt true that the themdetdoe aLCncow had "Nomad a sedges charade: awl that the Aistrian tromp had been repaheL At lovarano sa lawarreetion had brain out on the mini of an Antrim dotaelnant net to anon the print 'The soldiers wen dimmed. sad weeds priers as at Welty. The Paris Cowtalkiest quotes which repreeent the conspiracy as haring for its an de Russia. A letter from Vienna In the Campo, Oszette stews the distmeoe to which alarms had spread. The state of public opinion in Gallicia has bed its influence upon the Pals of oar Polytechnic Institution.

They have consequently been auljeeted to a strict surveillance. flu the night of die 21st, sic students belonging to the School of Artillery. mike furnishes otScers for the army, disappeared; and it bsUrposed that they have gone to Gallicia to join the isemegsata" The dtagebeay lets escape a few particulars Ilse milessit at Cracow. ten o'clock at gels 111 st. a sky-reekee was sent op at a short Own as Vlsalla Gardena, was genearlly rein, rded as algal 6r remits ilw Aastram General (Colin) Immalisielp wind half a agasiren and a company of Mixer, gels lowa.

Between' bar anil fire o'etnell in tM Marsing, as troops were attadisi A very murderous Iles was divested against them tit* windows of des pintas! poem The troop; lausesq repelsed gels aggramors, wltie had a greatZasailled. LIM primates item captured. far Oa tahataals at Crneew. The Asserrierireaps sad sus .1 Wiled. Several basis se snood psamels hat ass up Ms am gates of as taws, but lead ant assured was as aask." Oa Joined dm its has accounts, pedal es be partly nelciai, whieh state that the Austrian Imps bad been temporarily repulsed from Cracow.

In Ma peasantry sided against the nobles. Poles in foreign countries have been mottled by Imperial orders; a step which seems to indicate grave epprehentiona The Parisian journal Tbegresier pet the Polish nobles, not only the younger branches bet kthers of families, are involved in plots." A report In the German papers, that Prince Czartariekl and Count Zamoivlii had left Paris to polo the insurpnes, in authoritatively contradicted. It is slid that an Austrian Colonel (14anfeldt) with 400 of the old Cracow Militia had passed over to the insurgents and other defections are mentioned. The troops of Austria, Prussia, and Rumen, the three rudenesg powers, were contentrsting anon Cracow, and IS ems expecuul, according to the last that by the Mk or 6th inst. they would he in a condition to commence operations against the insurgents.

The result can lordly be doubtful, and therefore (va we have remarked elsewhere), effusion of blood, to be followed by looremed iteveritke, will be all that the "patriotic bawnweota" will raisin foe their reward. How lung the mid way be earelid s. sum depend upon the resources sod the spidt of the iwaritsta. LONDON mimes from statement of witness in a polies ewe lard week, that mare milk is drunk in London In a fortnight, than all the noes Is Enziand would give in a month, and that it is the praettee of the venders ef London milk to add nine quarts of water Is every six they receive from the dairy. It is ullkwased (says the Morning Gimmick) that there are seedy 200 waders la the Howse of Common.

who are bidders of limes le the Great Western Railway. and that also nearly the same amber of amebae are equally isterested to the Loads. and Birmingham. Sinetimat five or sit weeks ego a elevit in a politic Aloe Ia this plow, in eating some hare soup, swallowed one of the small bone. of the hare's leg, bat, SS it did not stick in the gullet, he experienced little or no annoyance from IR latterly, however, be felt rather unwell, and, iu the beginning of last week, be his bedroom.

In the meantime a small meads made its appearance about the short rib, near the besetbsee, which game him considerable pain. It sub. puled slightly, and, in a few days, the bone, nearly an bah and a half long, was discharged from it. The palleet felt immediate relief, and is now quite well. Courier.

ORFORD OF Wter--At Readlag en Wedocislay, Spicer, a basket-maker, mod 4t, was charged with the wail murder of his wile, aged tio, to whom he had bees minded only 9 months, tbe ewes at ibe widele head NI bash it elm "Ig use heed deed belhisehhe gear sin le hersigh and tbe phew eepeemmied AN he lies awn; the evlilswea, bream, let as Swab dog be bad bat bar ihdl ha and lbw hew the cellar. His AMINO bees of 8 196. eldeb Wm Ireseterred from bar Pil heatled bashand. hash he phi. The haft Weeder gkee a Ott at teestrels sessesi ail beeessehred Popery la sal sups lleilherse etley NlONfie sista be yedlemed al hhebee.

Tat 1117f1T1011 Of THOSE WHO LOOT TIMM TIMM, Is EIPF.CIALLY MINCTING TO TUB FOLLOWING ON AAAAA lONS ertractuas of the few teeth or roots which may remain in the mouth, is larked upon by may dentists, previously to preparing artificial teeth. This is wit as by Howard Thomas's improved wihruni they eon be fixed in the mouth, with the greatest most fairly every permed. of articulation and molest and so perfectly lin appearawe as to defy detection by the closest observer, without eatracting any teeth or giving soy till. what seer. The new loromalible Teeth instated Rowena St THOMAS, 64, street, London, will be found mach more economical than mat othere.

Adeartierwri. A pave.Wociasa mat love. Nature has given bet oft hes els way bertally love. Nes of Waimea and sr pintoes, I. sit the lever Net wi keep ber para.

VOW at Nat the hod of per ens agn become ellahrie In snob beepisy It le he thou at year 6 tbst shall grow aesesuliae. Number the great men oleo a he preedest beer of their free that te heir UM' lbsy see Whinn fir th Net greetneim I INF IN We et huh tbet br inspired Ilium es longed read of eateaet hr Na behleseel that bus allured them to be 6r the lowly pkty Art leas eetklneted taws to Is God. AM whet wonder Per in gbh tember ahaB whet geseiasses anti mite' podiums be ael ea he is Mr he le the kntlif losanallea of Mien le Whin life of iresee, he pat misers le dn, that may not he sephhed by see heyle mini. Bawd, hilt le supposed to be a laseuhhli'r 4 berate, dispookfon et do tea'tor women, pieitiee evil Iropeesible elpsert. It Ito aod gnaws it to the core; ca er vet Swan's hr a it cosehred a mime 44 am 41 es lb A 1 111 th dl 1k be 411 ii OS of a id ta as 4s ka is be Ire of Is as of ti a II al in a Ti an a as eq ki lel lit fel fa kR Is at fv ell tk to th 1.

1 a It si a ABSTRACT OE A BILL To THE SALMON FISHERIES OF ENGLAND AND WALES. Stetson IA Gria. 3. s3p. la part, sad 08 I S.

esp. 43, and IT Vittoria. sap. at, its lota rdati dna. die fish, Of im params ialeas foam Adat relate to a Imo me awl ere twat lomat 13th Sopessiass sod Ist Polkotoor, pow lo Jourisos lo wed or eine lass ilse Masse puha aort matiatit sombot saw amat lonalslita oft anal.

tat towite dr tars crier opt Ila IM Mot postlow cor Ann tad is. It tam as la the otastamtiott at Oho iamb art sot sod tesee hileg es ffilei dem meek amble me mg the la Seim kr mien sr as INS; SUM me meeht i le hr Om hum ref NM Oslo elm, en nob ias elessilin Si desk bps prow; ewe um me Sh ear hes los ire be lia. be. kr sr Itseisig Ye lei liesby bilmeat fkaerrer alibi and oh Aka a he hot elemee, set asmeasi her hes am 411 i ormed ar ealeripeet rideselbow wit arierker Sie, alithoe then Si. Some pr.

rides tee Yew be lee leas ea rivsni dem tee yeah dam it Nils edam is be PIPO Who eakil hit fieum Mee Mee. eye ism imam weed, a es ark mob ire 1664 6r 6661 kiwis ril Awe ehe till at rivers isle ene ineb sod threeeisbies Imen bait re bet. five imam ad half maul. Perky Ilor rig ow edher, seine kw last elms in be caking by owiwohil Aid we ponisawly awmorowil is Ms soollsw. Miho ow of tag owirwokordwg wos pub ow.

bow mw. ado wok of SW aft; Of by Wig or soy bat llos awasaid, eakplowislwas ow it ow by wig sig won Im ebbe say it wr Gra hos boos: sampod; or by Was alf wl wawa or ow wear wish wry awsadig. poswidess sa Ash of il Tresbowging ray lissaemos er by ay pit sumema Of loar, aweilawadwa lwaftwar owS, or ay 1,4 widlo or by ge lshoill le sous gbe by comy or by laykhe ailr balk 01 6 4 0 11 plank inuaww, Sr INNS asue 111111111.1111811 Thill II promo iu et drift lbawloo. ow swim wilfully or es. ormyolog to sobs, ks, auy spawn.

ty brawl stark or way maw, 111 ladies Wog Oros go hs fads, or elmarlodag the at das try of Wowss saa leash or say woo wank beak sot emoolog SW, and tbe ch whoa wed Med. taking, injuring, haft pleasis. WI sibring kir ask unaken winnimanft sawn nes sem but nillions oft warattleg wit ha dm 40. orisoad sohnsirint diet nail 410 sr We than Wan rim ink km 11.1sIkag bean ID bate the moo of owners legibly painted awn, mat a en 401., and not Ism than 10a. (the space between the bars whereof nos to renal 11 loots) to beplaeod its 41 waterroorses led front rivers for wrigaung leads, to prrient the admission of smell lisit therein.

Orating (the spare between the bats wbscastnot to exceed 3 inebeo. to be due wound mill 'Waft ba prevent injury to the salmon. 41 dem et wens to he laareafter consinteted. means to be pewsibd tor the free mieptoeleo of ea rid whet fish. set tha of the FRO, waubbegsael Ambile.

ow. to be called dee And II ell weirs weeted, gaga' anon bi at the expense of apname, peabbill ea Ma 0 navigation or power of NAL gig to be mei ao Amino la Illobse, NM ibunglim to be gawk mar their le ails at Ihemigis is le rant from kneles deked es eenesdon Weld in di otelsotip Ilsegabe soar 0 Free me in weirs for Oragdigelleit fib to be pressreed. Peinalig nut kr Irkkg In it or ebenweing die preys of the imeessdb N. bow espouses rauter Indices' orders exeesting works are to be reesessed. fishing (eleept for rib end by angling) to be allowed on or within 200 yards below any weir.

Penalty for so doing, or using any means to drive the fish below seek bait, one eneedog ta nor less thou CI. Pk Justices may order stakow or stones to be Reed is rivers where fish usually spawn, and below weirs, no injury being done thereby to impede the navigation thereat Penalty for removing sorb noises or stakes not exceeding Mk. nor less than 10s. I in Quarter Sessions to appoint Conservators for the preservation of fish sad preventing the destruction thereof. the powers of Couserrators.

on sassul Conserestors or others persons ha the of the peso of the Act, or prom iniebitherfradelthgodiers to do so, aseeing abbe i thoosbb au Any palm Ibmd ill st gist the Lei sod refining to drib or to hie mg les appeismad. Any person my wain nnweewinair INIMINI caught during hum is. nod haw ben sollobbbg who is to convey thin bine um Jeer SL power In Juolloos Os groat valuate to anntit offor illegal nets or inaleumniu or leo spun, by, or hued onviscubio air oseionomble siad be be bought Want lostiees in Petty tileasione. and dunsoyeel sr said. and applied a 11, expenses of edging nee, he.

to be Dore by the parties from whom seined, or levied by dlt LIVUIL under this dt former Ads to be determined by mammary process before any one or more Jostles in Potty Sessions. On conviction of offender penalty is be WWI by distress, or offender committed to the Commas Gaul er House of Correedno. committed in a river forming a boundary of two adjoining counties to be cognisable by Justices of either county. kirra ereinvietion. power of appeal nodes mei regebriace.

cd risleeries may be wigwam Ito Malik possesion kr rano on witnesses te appear irks masmoill, or to give evidence, not eseeeding 15. of penalties. Half to the informer, end the ether bolt to the Treasurer of the County where offence was emensitted, to be applied in old of the County Hate. to be adopted in regard to sclintill. not to sotedere with angling (essept as to taking Or killing iinsessonshis salmon or sea treat ur the fry or brood thersofi, or with fishing for eels, larepers or lampreys, riariuff fence time, or at other ulnas prohibited by the Act for taking other fish.

not to aged the use of nets for taking Inches, bullheads, and gudgeons, under certain regulations. to extend to Ireland, Semiarid, or the Tweed. words are. to extend to ell lakes, sweetie. rivers, Ar.

in which ahem haunt, breed, or are fouttol orpressrrerl, to all other sumo, flowing into the saute for the distance of a mile up. St new, be emended or repualleil this saniion. tide a public Act FASHIONS FOR MARCH. (Pros the Ladies' Alefeshie off Peeiimel Whits deems le melt sera Ow mein or dram lees greases are also very fittigassble either with or feet leg tries eryeasir 11.1141141i1k1a. or earigewe ever soloweil shirts.

le alma work IbrimisrlY by robe ladies; glop trimetshqrs are es mob sod in drem es es as letter la elk, sad fee the Imre is geld, silver, steel, silk or beds; stolen Magee sirs very for eatwYge es many as three, four, and five rows are placed or the skirt to within a mail distance of the hod) the trimmings ef bell drones are rather flounces they are made very fell, and bouillons of talk or game have frequently nerds of ribbon inside; are headed by Herron gimp, in gold or silver; embroideries of velvet are very pretty on morning dresses. Coffersa of hair are warn higher sad always rather wide; some yonag ladies adept light ringlets resembling them a le mtge. bat an ringlets are shorter than they were feat year, bastdeftes healer age also fashiouable, sod short 'sough to allow the esnkgs to be sees wreaths and detached dowers are equally worm are frequently raked with flowers particularly with foliage; the Heyde wreath Is quite the rage Is Paris; feather are may fashionable soma eeillwee are entirely composed of fathers mixed with foliage. The Paresis form of boat is being replaced by emotes with eskers has much deplaced the plain velvet bathe ewers are ornamented with fingiliage of velvet pole primrose lea avowable colour. Dress boosts are madly of asps.

Tao 6.11/liTi.-10111170 few years ago the 14th Light Dragoons went to India. six hundred strong. la less than du years they returned to this country skeleton of thirty-three men and three officers. What will the Lords do with the Cum dew Nobody in answer with say certainty; but we believe that, alter dilly pondering it they will pass the Government bill unaltered. One estimate of the mend stale of Lordship's minds is-168 Poses for dm snosers, 154 against, 01 doubtful; 10 Bishops for, 10 againot, 8 or 10 doubtful.

But the tendency glee up kicking and vealmlbir ea the part of the 11111eCOUtalbo is observed to Wanes' ADVERTIZER FOR THE PRINCIPALITY. ESTABLISHED 1810. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY THE PROPRIETORS, AT THEIR GENERAL PRINTING-OFFICE, IN GUILDHALL-SQUARE, CARMARTHEN. FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1846. Liverpool; Ingrain, Market Street, Manchester D.

Caruphell, 1:16 Argyle Street, 01argow; It. 11, Curd Row, Edinburgh; Westmoreland Dublin White, Camsariheo and by all Ilooltvellott esd Putout Iledicitle N'enders iu Ttoru and Country. roatiiify Biia slyould he applied as aim as does, asahat its appeasers it being a vast aline to deny instil lb high harontas painful. basely attention my yawns ed Taal' far years. 11 has bees used great stamen by several person la lin vicinity of Carmairthiab sod elsewhere.

Fall di. reetimas socksied. iterated Ist R. M. DAVIES, Cietaid, Etc.

King. Afros, Canuasheu. Aud may Ye Mil tot tM tulluwiug Mr. Fresh lAmter Mr. UPOCIIV Mr.

Jones, Cardigan Mr Ormond, Pembroke Ilus. Mmes. Aberystwyth; Mr. Phillips, Caidif; Mr. Phillips, Harerforthrest Mr.

0. N. Dame, flaverfordweM Mr. Walkiatow, Tenby Mr. nacho; Cheltenham Mr.

Nartonth; Mr. Wilson, dwanwa; Mr. James Neerawle; Mr. Ptellipa. Newport Mr.

Lampater Mr. Whirs, Cardigan; Mr. T. Stephens, Merthyr T)dfil. London Hadatinanni and Tonga, VS, Upper Tharaes-Street, and Sir.

J. Cuclredge. 01411 SIIII.I Sent free to asr part of King.loi, on receipt of Stuffing ant Two Pena! Postage.Stionw. Where the following may be had lws CE. LEIDIATED POWDER.

for on: Moth. In every deveriptom dr Fur, Wollen and Wowed Slauttfaeture, sold tu packets at id. mod le. each. ANTIACID TOOTH POWDER AND CAMPHORATED ENTI RIC for beautifying.

preventing. and conferring a bi illuat whiteness to the Teeth. resemor the gums from Scorbistic affections, and imparting sweet. ono to the warranted free from acid or any usher particle injununs to the enamel. PRICE, As.

per Quarter. Ito abli Richard Huns, W. White, end Mnatimist Cniminhii Williams, Silurian Oice, and llinesa elefiketos, Merthyr Tided; Slathumn gsveunt: Mairport; Ganintene, Mailintery GriMths and Nicholas, Narhandi Walkiag. Harris, Haverbirdirest Ha had Hum, Neel i 4111114, bland Farrar and Heath. Maas and Ilmminsa and by all Chemists and Medicine Vineskin; ilia Prprtetors grad the Sueceditann tier BY POST, to any put at the Kingdom.

THE BEST APERIENT AND ANTIHILIOEM lIIRDIGISK FOR GENERAL URI IS ERA ti PTOWS PILL OP II EA LT 11, which relieves the Sonsebasd bowie by Revile releserivra. l4l b. on griping or peisavoilits of strength. They resiervie headache. ohms.

disiisent. polar la the beet, en hIEWY Rratefel to the sosesele. eyelets create appetite. relieve languor nod agosalim of "Hits; slide to these of run habit ea 4 heir Nowa. who ereGeNtimilly satin Ines doseeinces heseissis.

Wyk, ia do 1 1 4 4 1 1 mrs, they ear shanatara that kil tie be appro. cashed. This sielleiSe hr ter may years received Ds approval ob i rheum et twisty. sad is somissa. 'or War has Imes Waft IN.

it. mg, if ram sit maw Ts Yr. Pon. fiessod, Leadat. Swam April td, 1411.

"ask tad Osumi la bang strge to hen my strong alsonakilid lastinvey ill the emelleore of year Pa shield ansidsr a nest oak aka. doss. sad Nap irepreier oeseral geogirais. The in seam we dainty gaily. sad Nese seitior of one.

kw and rarely beano reasoree slier matinee dyears; ea noluterimled Una sad is or 'arras I anti she iodused a perms adept than. sod the Ing boa hereeK they Inn nand at entseedran Aare. Omsk dog perhaps 'here is soy uglier et the Mall west beam Os Oak of ousel vales so a is ante nesened of anent duos. I don be happy se i seessities is give than up ioditradest reasesneadsdes sad an. lir.

Year shadiest sensot. so. Kobl by T. Prost. Tries Is.

lid. 2s. 9d. per Imo. Al.a by Mews.

Junes gyms. Jew sat.eller; Mr. R. Erase; Mr. Denim Chemist aed Uncross.

Kim-street; sod Mortimer, Canonise; Sabenewedies. sad Lees, Breese Stephens. blestbyrTydril; blethrsrs, beeksller, Niemen Pleittspe Orilithe sad bilds, Moss, Tesby Haverfordrest Hama sad Hest, Needs; Willems.liraesee; Tresseerts, Pssibreke Withrow. blifford Furor sod Hook Rom sad Ws. it hr tie Vrodori of gorrondly dirouglo rot th Karim.

Aid kw FRAM TON'S PILL OF HEALTH, abeam the ease and address of Thomas front, Leaden," ea the Gammon' Stamp. Pheenneent 1.11.. lift Omlens MOW She Oneeet Weeper. wakikallp as same, went Ira etwieselleht et leer Awl I kmoik r.rokik Irkked. dissiwripd sormalut J.

Wards lot. am leerweeehmt ev seevetee dement him dew este a. Tlellemlir Coverers: lay eve Ibeteeter whet Wed he WRY Thew Ow the who ameliewe wrath. puttee eepoweish Ihremee ewe lesirelemees the wee ere is be pews lorpvittese. pwomies wee .4 the eihweelseed et des evlviewl.

T. pewee seek Iloweeekvo preetlem dr sod dais reMed elleplora Imbed to met Weer GAM AMIN Mmoss. Mewl: tf.t. 141e4 t. peeves Pr Ord 4.

twely nfiga.a......16 1... the one how am they 1.4. Sei UU7 Tom Neyal Nursery. taemmehonel usaisser mei Immo ohm pay Oft Nib SZ am roue lees. as theme 1.....

a ton lorshrta Mee teams is Whit Ward lita isystraveh 144.8 hid hs seassers. i FEMALE EDUCATION. Messrs. R. 1..


MOWS PILL ()V II EA LTI CAMBRIAN SEMINARY, Every Thursday, Friday, sell Saturday: OR MINERAL TOOTH-PASTE, a. 4 Errs I the lONOiffiaad bovnlo by acs if; I out griping Of prestretiou ofsrengili. And at No. 10, sehr. swicosal.


aa i iaaa lete isassar i the aa a "'1 .1. 411" p4m 11111 ROYAL HIGIINESX PRINCE ALPIEST. fa a bi sa free livers. who are iota ROYAL lIIGIINENA TIM IWCIIGSS OF KIM. a Imamot.


61111.11 ING MAN of the Ana respeetability end fasuily pe as .2.. 64 a asaik lia as, part of the uite a Kiar i a aaaaa os Ins clt Ark THE ANcllliltillOP OE CANTERBURY sista). I nosily all dos Nubility, die Bishops sad the Clew. This maker Sas may years a ontaiseioses owe shy krepity yaws madman of Tashi, for is a is i i sillier of nos shows kstals. 11: 7'" MAT UK dis awe rapecashie Awes ef saws I the lastruskat dark am all lola id as 1 A S.

I I rig aa 4 I a Fa is i vonnam. bi aui i Ia offlr I ef SING NERO 'mot so is Slam iir MALL TIRO 2 WL 4 4 swim se. sub', vaquiele, Sofas ssysosprasils pus ssa al soldesisd by riff Wes end, a. it is Oared is Ti Peek INS bard ma' Nu bus as asarimia be ries se 1114 it kisser. as Sri as as sesea end a stais, without say pressen we psis, sod I Went stir inskoptAle.

irk, srlik disk sooktints,) en didukranin. 1111.1. I. la. ulagiull 1 is craw ass Sousse' a bard so as useaul.

Jed sin Illsuitsu Re I uses wad is dm ps.set vises of suety, er ass wog! 1 SW difir. -4 1.1. 1. relic Ars is the teeth sassy estesictissi la rhigere la wag I teach, is ghaz Fret eat on theism, losuat es isposplkly. okay 64.

i sa 1 sasrd soneressery. It MAW ell further preens af deny, sad a rksad sasamuy bd. maim Lunt, Italian. and Mune, including Bulging. its attends et sinspdbees sod sessapiseses I mo atiaama pasta foe a shad ties i.

a melon thee ages ouNi is ondalatess. AR penes. Pp a ik a kko .6,6,6 1 Naos, Harp, Guitar: Drawing, Painting. Onse coosuisred, fultoieil by en Illsostisea. eau use Mr.

THOMAS'S BULLED ANHUI( THEM. a aa.raa a 7 ak i Male. es that it cosset airs the Mast phased key he esed 1 asidies, Plant and Farley Needle Work, With By R. 1.. PERRY Co, Csasabiag Seleseas.

every oars INNtoisite too.rutia to a religions, riegant, mortal. Published by the Authors, kid sea II Va i rq mea ehe at" 4.88• It he. 1114 reasafh- I Prepared oely by Mesas. Howard Th omas. aseppee sa wi SELVES WITH ASE se full Arsenous are rsolased.

aa is m. as a ia a ai i iii a I putillittith finc.Neti aa a we traaaNT N. -NW 4 beee WA aed MN wr the I Dentists, 64. Bersercdreet, Osferd-strad. 0,, a of pease i ase I 1 4te mi id (.

i 1i th is. Id bad by their iWiliase io eddrro.e.l to the Superintendents of the i 1 i Nslndul. illwitlar away. Sad warisding flu sass. I rmi A mt 11,,,,.

N. rim 4.0 1.... dim. Gas .....1, 6 will itatordiately lc reldird to. sod 19, Clime Street; sad Mr.

Rawl, Couch Street, have rossidetsly failed. Richard Emus, W. a aia a 7, aas a al 158 Co 3 BP nr 10 6 ms 9 OP TIIR TM sill. In wrlotan, and the es hints It coneet to those who are apptehroaire at MIMIMr mate. cannot fail to recommend it to a caned ThM week amid he mad In .11 who slue health antl wW le enjoy dit, der therein eoutaieed defy all dutiltoL" Jhereal.

TUB CORDIAL BALM OF SFRIACUM Is intended to relieve those persons, who, by an immoderate indulgence Of their passions. have ruined their er.nstitethins, or in their way the consummation of that deplore. ble state, are affected with any of flume previous symptoms that betray its approach, as the rations affections of the nervous system, obstinate alerts, excesses, ob. atroctions of evacustions, weakness, total maw" teary, barrenness, ke. l'eire I Is.

and ins. per bottle. THE CONC ESTE bTED I)ErEttslvE ESSENCE, As ANTI-Sa mit sive 11.1.111 CDT fur symptoms, bewailing out and purifying the dims humours of the Mood, a most ionises cure lot Scurvy rofula, anil all cutaneous eruMiuss, maces ing its active principle. throughout the body. esea penetrating the minutest ees.

acts, removini: all eorniptimis contaminations, and impu ri. ties from the vital the morbid wires; awl radically expelling it through the akin. t. CUlte4llllhA rloa, if a a first erb di mm, will often remain larking su the system for years. and, al.

though for a while undiscovered, lit len th breaks not upon the unhappy individual in its must dresdfal forms; or vise unseen, endanger the very vital organs of existence. 70 those suffering from the consequences which tills MeV have left behind in the forma SYMFTONIN Eruptions of the Skin. blotches on the bend mid faro, nova. rations and tolartement ofthe throat. tonsils, and thtealaw ed destnietidh of th, he nodes on the shim bones, or any of those affections ar.sing from the dangerous effects of the indiscriminate use of mereurf, re the evils of an imperfect cute.

the COPICENTNATKD MUIR. sirs Essases will be found to be attended with the mart I astonishiug effects in checking the ravages of lee disardisa removing all Scorbutic Coniplionts. and effectually reeds. blinking the health of the eciustituaion. The above Medicines are particularly recommended tithe token he Ihre rates into theM I I STA I in the event of procreation occurring, the ini ni iii should bear upon it the physical characters dencable from parental ilebilii v.

Price I or the quantity of foorat II s. in one bottle for no. by which M. is saved, the 5 cases may be had as meal, which is saving of LI PERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIPIE PILLS, Prics 44. I Is.

per box With explicit directions, rendered perfectly intelligible to every capacity, are the moil certain and effectual remedy ewer cliseoreied fur Gonorrhoea, both in its mild and aggravated by immediately allaying inflammation and erresting further prorrse. Meets, Strietnree, of the Bladder, pains of the gravel, and other dimrilers of the Urinary is either are permanently cured in a And space of time, without confinement or the least exposure. The above medicines are prepared only by Messrs. R. and 1...

PEItItY Surgeons. 19, Reuters eet, Oxford Street, London, sad sold by all Medicine Vendors. Messrs. Ferry expect, when conEolteil by letter, the nsull Fee of One Pouud, to hr addressed to the London Establishment, where all communications and orders are requested to be forwarded. A minute detail of the case is see Mmors Pour and Sorgeons, may he censElted as witual at 19, Berbers Street, Oxford Street, Londe daily, sod at 111 Duke Street, Liverpool.

Every Thursday, Friday, and Satoidsv, sad at 10, St. John Street, Deausgate, bloodies, Math hum Elates till Two. had from Five till Oa Senda)s from Ten till Twelve. Only ens personal visit is required from a country patient to enable Messrs. Perry end Co.

to effect a permanent and effectual cure, after all other firm), have proved ineffectual. SoMhy 211 r. Mite, Chrusid, Carmnrillem, of whom may be Silent Prionagi." FULL LENGTH ENGRAVINGS. TTIST PUBLISIIE the Sixteenth Editing, sprim is a Sealed Envelope, and sent free to nay part of the Kingdom, the receipt of a Pest Olice Order for 3a. TIIE SECRET COMPANION" A Mod; rat Work on Sorrow Debility and the concreted mem of the decline of Neural Strootyth and loss of Mon.

tat Cepaeity, with remark. nu the effects of Wirer Ntylrard Gonorrhea. Serondarg WNW, 4 and Mode of Treatmeet followed by observes thin. on Awe 00.., with proper dimities for the MIMI lee! of all diguolifiratioac Illesiniterl with Bugresinge, tag the evil. arising from the use of Mercury, and it.

isles tore on the body. Be R. J. Banos and Cossetting London. Pebliyhed end Solt be the Anthem.

et their resideomt. also be Sherwood. Gilbert, and Piper, Paternerter-row, Mr. Noble. II Clattery haw, Mr.

Parke o. Complus street, Soho, Ilsnnav and CA, Sensor. street. Barth, 1, Brydges Street, Covent Genten, Gordon. 116, lwedenhall street, Incise; Stows, Chemist, Car.

molten; Phillips, Newport; Grillthe, Centimetre end by ell Book.ellers to tows sad coustry. 01 of THI PRIM This is work of great merit, end should be pieced in the hands of every young man who is milleriug (rum post folk and iiidiscretion. It eoritaius many valuable and its is errtmis 10 benefit hies in many London Mrreantele Journal. THE CORDIAL BALM OE ZKYLANICA; Olt, NATURE'S GRAND ItESTORATIVE, Is exclusively directed to the yore of nervous sexual syp hib i gkets, irregularity, weaktiess, mom teary, harrenuess loss orappente. tudigeotion, consumptive babas, and debilities wising from veuereal excesses, Even where Sterility teems to have fastened ou the kayak sonetitution, this saWlicitie will warm and notify the blued and fluid, invigorate the body, remove every impedisneat.

mrdicine should be taken previous topmost enter- Mg min the Matrimonial Stele, to prevent IM offspring suffering from the past imprudence of it. permits, or tahants tug any seed, sit tissraw, Whirls In ties Ireqtiently eme. Sold so bottles, prii 4.. t.l. tool I I each, or tilt.

four in our family bottle his slush issue Its. bade is saved. 'rite 13 cases may be as usual. BRODIE'S I'UIIIPTING VEGETABLE CILIA Are arkonwledeed to be the best and worst remedy for the cure of the Vreeleal Disease le both inelodrog Gonorrhees, Set St Sinetures. Seminal sod all diseases of the Urinary without his of time, or litudrance from Lusinese.

Price Is. I Ps. 9.11..4. 111.. and II s.pre box.

Obseree the signature of 11. J. Boom and Co. Lauda'. impel's.

sad ea Niel in red wax, 'faxed to each bottle ha; as nose elee are Strut by all medicine venders in town and country, of whom easy be linit The Seeria Mews. Brodie sad Suritettes, map' be ronselted as usual, front 11 o'clock in the till to the eventulti and on Bootless from I I o'clock Couutry patients are reqwested In be as initiate Ile in the detail of their cased. The coassuaiestios most he SCCunspluit4 with the natal fee aria. and is ill rases the moot insiolahle secrecy any he ea. ONE Plllasvlial.

VISIT IS Ti SITSCT MM. N. B. Country Venders can be sappLied with the ellowarow to ile Trade by she Loweboi Houses. MuNTAIII.3 STRUT; Rt-SsliLl.

Sunsuit, Losuon. Agent, Mr. David Jones. propjet. Guilelhall-S't'n Carinartlies, of whom may be had the Secret Cempitints.

by Mr. DAVID 1141.1- Sul AAAAAA $11111: Wor d. Chemist, Newport; Bears. OtAre, Monmouth; aed be all Booksellers cad Medicine of wheat ma) he had the STAALIT LOSS OP TSZTX. Messrs.

Hossol Thomas costume Ms flee Loss ortertb intbout springs or wires epee Oaf us, system of SEI.F.ADIIESION, whisk bus premed them suck sad is mossomisoisd by swerves rutl war --s me being do out topmasts physicians sarjaeas as of siipplyiest artificial toalb Musette hewatied. They adapt themselves over the most tender iamb ear re. me slump. without reusing Ibe keit pats. reader.

tog the operation of extracting quits simermeary. They ere So liara as to fasten any lonia Medi where 1M gums hate shrunk, Itala tue use of or Aber causes. Thew also Ing to invite not lamp In undergo arm painful operatig, es practised by emit members of the profession, to respect their painless yet efeetire systens; awl an order that their arnpoiveineere easy be entire li reach of the mina economical, they will imatime the sum ato.leree charge. Messrs. itoward 4 Thomas.

Sargese- Dentisvi, 64, Ozfordsane London: at I. aa. 11 all 4. Three INTERESTED IN THE SUBJECT will led THIS sTArxsiEsT OF THEIR nut.xmloitury OVEII ALL OTHERS, TO BR ENTIRELY AND SCRUPULOUSLY co*ktlllli T. Their orrr voribod of tilting Artificial Teeth Ms obtained tie sod recs.

emendation of the M. Inning esteem Pki)striatia and Surgeons Sir AIMS ('lark. Pliarician to her Majesty. Dr. Lecorl, Ariasciaeur to her Majesty.

Dr. nressun. Accoutheut to Dr. oan Ettraortlonary to Iser Sir IL C. Brunie, Best, tiergeset Aargau's to Ler Me.

jest The ZrSo A. Cooper, Berg. Surseoe to her Majesty. B. Krate, Sergeant Marron to Irmo Dr.

Merriman, Pbystemo to her N. H. the duch*ess of Kent. Sir C. M.

Clark. M. D. Dr. Earle Mir M.

Tierney, M. D. Dr. James Johnion. Dr.

ClsanaLers. Dr. And ammerous klemben et Micalseal Prolossoon. ALL NAAYSZ 4 4' ggs HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. VIM LLL ct ago sagialiiik "Area of Utter Jahn Mania.

Esf. Offia. ToLosye, Weal February My 1016. TO PlorlTTill NoLIOWIT. be a this especially those Irbil cannot And Se innpliry col gentlemen, art very ass was of baying year astasiaing within time from the immense nine al then tiara dented fine their son, as their have bees found here, in several rases, to c*nt Besae Moen of the most malignant desperate kind.

Our gentleman in ibis Island, who I fifty running sleets his legs, arms, and bade, who Mod tiled an other Medicines l.fore the arnval of pons, bat all of which did Inn on good; bat own mad Mai in sheet sic weeks, sad be is 00., by their wow alone. Illi4ll to health and TIVHIL JOHN MARTIN. FILMS, FISTULAS, AND SAAIMAS.I.VIII A neniarkaMe Can these Pills epod Isar-pay Way residing at St. Jrnag. wham SAW by rapsout had for three jeers suf.

from piles beside. a beering.doira 14 the most slistresanag rature. Ile Lad laic. milltrgone an operathiu. but pupae, sod at last gave himself up to despair.

Yet. solailbsenaing this complication of eamplaiuts, together wish a debilitated maitut mu, completely cured of all his tatirmases and to the full enjoyment of health by there justly reerosucal nada. then every other mimics had failed. LAIR 400P11141111 BIAS IN lift WEST IPMILI. OF PIROVLF OUP Pi Jar led.

1814. Mr. LEWIS ItEEDON, Geometers, Drarrra. under the Ilatlooses KM and Ointment have eared had legs that so erld raw. eom that Irene of the most drailltil rah as Unties leprms, scales and oilier skis r.

of the rot ffiihtfal arum fur that the cores rierad thine be tree ontoderfal medicines are so noranar rad to rimer the whir population. BB A 00Antlitt Copy of Lotto, Prow 11.. 4 lisataaker. Tatty sow Sootitompton. F.levari gilt, WO TO PIIOVILISon 1101.1.4.111 At.

Lord hise larretitied t. wrieglit trawler. fel ruse eg Abscesses, et twelve wears' in my sites tweed. le IM Imaginal of lie woe, Itolinds Weft Ili once. Tho rarelayieratiored theasse as pa.ll.lllr.

'nem' pieces of Y.Y. had cape may. a I eXpvtl.d that ley poor oils sew row eons taws from me. It was 'lwo that frivol weigatewiestioe the taw of yaw Pill. awl Otetiartat, which.

to saw Mee meet. in the of about three tetteths. besied op the as wess.ll, as ewer it its her We. I 4611 orer Your sinq erstrful sad ulpidi.rut (Sward) YICIIAHu BULL. CIIIST ASS TTTTTT Of Copy of laitterfiew Mr.

Jestretsoh Casey. So. It Cimpfro-plory. reel. April Y0h.161.1.

beg to Wean it fiat I Were I hail bona In Ma slum years. of lie greaten saloons 1. the useld mid, llama. For week. tairebee aey beastb WWI tweilowil, lei short shot I arena awn sanest of beiwg 14rila.

I reser meat tete bed; of 6 uvierd, I have Lees to par the mit salami hems to hoe ealllnenly be My me Wail en table. lee. I insiwki be erlionitist. N. on Inman shiseld Nee over the won.

woe did I expert it merit. bat lan honey la war lan Dow slb be la unit. sad that I sleep am well seiner I dad is my art iii. ewes le 11 easy was elected be Mi. nut WOW Weirateein Din nein twin dew mita my Amt.

asd taiint tin of Pdle at aid tea pia NI lie neurones, i.e Awe three analin. (Sword) JEKKIIIAN eASKT. IN ALI. OP TIIK KKIN, Rail Le" Old Wined. sea Mean.

dad itaaas. Rare Nipples. Stow, Illeeretel Veneers. 5114.1111.. Ravel.

Goal. Itioureines. is maw of Piles; the ill .11 the shove rare lonia la be awl with tie Mot taeut se 10r lin imeois mew will be ellieleil wills wort ponce reriains. and a half tie lowa that ara44 be the tholineeit Tbe meat is proved hi be optima toe the IAI, bl.arleettoe.. I ass.

Say. oA all skis Wenn cantina ta the Lanai Wen bean, and MIMI trarar elan Barr. LlaMlinisa eitewpwil mad Lira sod can CMOS, mill br nainedinel, snail 11 the wee the Olatneei. 1 Diierobes Biaaaasse OIL is. colotoesal to In gond monriaNi ran" of dr Iwo.

onl of ifs owniblt jtoooo gto Illroolisa.l innilreie as ol: dal ow adorlos. to fir 11.1.1,11.1101 MAer 4.. OIL Impala the -1 "'moor." for AM their Iho I'. Prits Woka.l6l. Malin to Pa wool lawoolooo.

osolMato. It, oaol Igo Igo" 111.1 kikroonfo Ana Vt. tonon11.1.• tlorAlr a tat tyillt77l(7l i 1111 for r.oonoo. PIA halr. 0110 kMArli ant solvetagot loot "monad.

NNrl no inn at the partroaar It rngo. Imola ON osmilno. 4404 ova 11.1144 r. ore IlfinartlO. own'.

ep.r ay. oirogir" raw, 14 tat tottorsoll. Rena. mars the et Mg, of dortole. t.kons.

air marl no moo gado. ash ao Coanor' llonnar UM, Kenn fah row. ad 4 onto Mem. I.alt. IM.

Now 4 aoral.a..aa.r roonyonooa napooool alrio In ihoo molloo M. eigho Loonoofik. Tr. 000 rooky. aboolgo mita otta is dlarenollaionoonnol "Ms.

Ina moan the 4 a dar boobs ibe war it To a 0.4.1 froultt4e4l remileThits greterall. 4411 1.7 INP a4t foc Marewer New Ses4Alit. hie. i ral, 7. .4.

Ih. td. 444 flw per loottle. To the Fashionable World. Pr tar the elatAidologeound thr Mir.

Its awl Inimrsome, Mae efet.vev• tbe et a bollir ilk dram I awl ow billowless (le. disolrabbs ttei. IN be bils4 as ea Imilirbie Ws. The mina Mr hear Grilleris rag jun waft YAM, MI be nal Wilt lialeet Omit firlie.J.- 1119 Wan. Ifialwebe Ilk Mr kW Ilya of pow boot Wm 'OW op ZWitailmi44: Win I roe mot ars Liu Mt M.

.0 OW pow I MAIL bulb mom warm. Isig Imo to io 611111. dr only dui oltp out I mike am: tut Zas tam OM mod I Sheol op bow orillokd 1 im 11611 us. OW' 0 to ail ogle lioto Ea pa ft up Dolonit Tkommu 1 1 ak twe Ns" r.l.tVinoisra" Intorosthig to LadbL sal oodellool ofeirle onawanre LIMOS kr es foortroice to maintain, se arobor pot tot it all the arm. MMus prollorm, orma volarall nue relemee itor.

to orichnifel Or la mm Mr oltroot renewing irrerltini sal rid briar lermor ror Mermrwr 11 2 .1. hr. N. rido per dorsi ammo dr fly at lieffittaioli. sir pro dee lie 4.awnime s.drEsr mut dmirmarmeirommemommaimmulmillardripmlaulivirme m.

rorkrbr. maim Orr Noire maks maw us Orribre. Morwrime imorromo to NI tor Mabar" Pk Nor lorrtrerms. Nen Okra. Wm ft.

al tla rrr bomb. Aao aka frooldimi momareilm DeWOWS Oidadia adiparaddi ars Oirroirdra DIY 1r elleia. sad IWO 111, 1... Rim owaid ma peftied ham wida aii awl tbs Iva Adak wa Ise MlllOll at are of MAW, Mime. 'Cot Ow do lairaiklbe memo So at sad di Ilnidsm Tea Prrabr.

arm. ad raw dalifflormrr. .4 the dila Tie writ Mom tiro tie Ark rr a 4 mar rd Maw hams at Orkri. ova smi retk e. semi WY.

411 dr "Iliisideb eliwwww OWNOWM. 4. wy Sr embr rm. OM Woo 1104 4 i W. me Ow.

Tiro OW nir lyt. at ...4. Whw am ow wood elib r. bi 1.... Ihr Omar oft.

a ....0...... WA "ahr II" W. Ws dwallially wow rural, ril roar. Cad rrwoo we Y. into.

OW I. oa 4 Or r- WI 11W.81 Ow, we wiF ow wry wwww. 10 is sry. .4 .1. OA.

ea, as of smi Ok lawas: Delmore Olais. de re smenred dna ag Old IS VIM iftmesom ap.abba fnimmandos dr a lli amen Dookinix it Cols Royal liesquess. rriw ate meals Alioninill s.lib pot don me dr A. kr nmu nmnli Wad' 11.4-m-I• I Onmd Ilk mime at ...4 of flee aro end lamplumn prrimm nod dm 1141 I.AAWAAI Alm lAA .1, NM a tau Thr niklmmi um ma GB Ilramminne. cep 060.

soli ea Main Ildr S. Er 1N: SWINK VlCTlZyinaret ilu T. INN co um low NOVA De LA Vil In Lind. Iliwnl'lrT eV ROI GOMM IV. Ns.

V. Debrobi Is Oslo New Peasiiims remit or 'rumors NOVIIIIIT ma nom', Nud AIMS" Mawr budosanniernsidde nr Ode our I.llminn down In dennu Ike awe eamarrome pert Yr. bow due dr Ow .121 TM ALUM wimp Ya I IA Ohm MUM, Iniman jun. WM. 64 Mr In Ininls.

Fashionable Pileillille I.mulos..sed to.prei•ulr Koh. MM Wei Se roma lopoodllion elw.gliesl She Einkenl mai bar. es ems outoso nosoor ow are we is up ft 4. it, I 4.4.• bdalli le vvry em.ideageble NNW. IN Wpm skim ass ess MSS N.8.-0.0.0t4t0 litelso Cierleare of roam.

am allied to mob Pat mil Sea 44 I 044.44.-„,44adittat..754, CORM MENTAL I MUNE lISEAUL Jul Pahtithed. Medical ll'orh, is a Eweeirp, 35.. mad post.paitlabr 3.. dd. MANHOOD: THE CAUSES of its PREMATURE DECLINE.

with Plain Directions for ITS PERFECT RESTORATION addressed to those suffrritut from Der. sous debility or marital irritation, followed by observations ow htsalil and the Trratinrut of Dia. asses of the re system, illustrated with eases, Re. 81 J. L.

CURTIS sod Cousultioir Sorrows, 7,, Frith Street. Sob Noire, Lotion. Publicbed bi the and mai by bad at their a 1.., mrld by Strange, dl. How; say, 6.4. thaur.l.Preet Loudon; Hoevi, M.

Hull-Mrrel. Bisseladloare G. Philip, South co*ck-street, Liverpool; nick sad Score, Ur.iou Strvei. Bristol; TIMM COON Hereford; aid sold to a scald readopt by all Book- or TRIO WORK. Msonooo.

By .1. L. CURTIS and Co. (Strange)-1n this age of pretension, when the privileges of the trim are coostautly usurped Le the false and the ignorant, it is diffi-11111i to afford the sufferer frets nervous debility, the nom. ring means of judgment when to seek relief.

The litho's this work have obviated the difficulty. Their Idhg ex. and reputation in the treatment of these painful is the patient's guarantee, anal nell deserves fur law wort its immense We feel no hesitation in saying, that there is so uf society by whom the book wall nut be 16W aseful. whether took person hold the relation of PANINT, a raverrioa, or CLIZOVIIAN." EreMktg the married. as well as the unmarried.

this little work Words emmolation awl cure lin prenlist eases, atsd we are Mina seni. to SI riety Is recommending it to emend fleets Cl 14115 ON MANHOOD. perusal of this work will easily distinguish its talented authors from the host of medical writers whose retenouns to cure all climates are daily so indecently thrust before the public. Haring for many sears been the staodaril work on these diseases, its originality is apparent, and its perusal literals's cosmos latMo and hops to the mind of the Naomi and Military Gazrllr. cl*tTll ON MA11411001) should he in the lands of youth aid old age.

It is a medical publication, ably writes, nod derelopes the treatment of class of painful maladies which has too long been the prey of the illiterate and Service Gazette. Wows. CVRTZS di. Co. to be consulted daily their No.

7. Trith-street so. ho-Square. London. Country patients ere requested to be a minute as possible to the detail of their communication must Ire acconipanird by the usual consultation fee of LI; and in el the most inviolable secrecy may be relied on.


C. 1111111.4 KIA Basis, with or without Pilots, aid with liberty lo law Vessels, during MARCH, 1816. BRISTOL, TENRY. CARMAR THEN. Plusols.

Pen caamarnolild, CA AAAAA 141, flallagg I Cahn. of rahlaF. Maid eOO4 I Tonday, Yawl. 3, 11 mom Fri4sy, 13, mom Tomular, Our YrUlay. more Tomday.

7 men Friday, 37, a worn Turulay. 14... a after Tuuulay, 31, 7 mon FROM BRISTOL FOR DUBLIN. Vtetury. Fridays.

Friar. Marsh 4. PAY. Mud mom Fridai 61 Priddy. IS.

6 win Return Tatalapp. FROM BRISTLL FOR CORK. Rase, Tersils)si Fridays. Var. a.

orars TontLb Iltr. 11 wen toot I Matt. ..11 awn l'eteday, 11... I diet I Tretdsy. 3 Mtn Vrtlat.

13. roars 1 Pkinv. 31. nom 17. nom Tlllmlhf Return and Fridays.

FROM BRISTOL FOR WATERFORD. Nora Creina. Terider. Ospley.rria•YL Mar. 3, morn I Taralay, liar.

IT. 8 roam 4 lofts i grak 11. moot Took lay. 10... I arkv r.

lg. 3 one Friday, Is, 61 I 11411, morn I 31, 1.4.11 Return Tinesdays and Fridays. BRISTOL AND TENBY. VON TI T. Rut.

Two Mantis. Tuesday, Mar. 3... man Trial. Nay.

IT, mom 1 7 rkday. 6 ars I reklay. to. Tuesday, 3 nos Tvvvii77. 07.

3 311 nifty. If, IT.n I Poi 77... I nue. I 7... y.

31, 5105 TTTTT Pltureiv, Stu. Waylays. Tesslay. Yet. 31.

..11 mess Mar. 17...11 swim Salsralsy. 7. 1 aorta I Saturday. nous Tessky.

8 atter 3 1 8 1 Istsodsr. 14... 7 mum I Salaiday. 5... morn 31.

smuts FOR MILFORD, PATER, HAVERFORDWEST, 1.1.114 i AT TIMM) Star. Tondar, M. 3... I sore T.brailey, Var. meta 'Turstliy, 10, 5 nsimi I Toneoisy.

el. 0 51tev I Tierhiy. 21, 0 Ilwars FROM 11AVERFORDWEST (CALLING At NII pull PATIO. AND TILNIIII.I Par. I rMay.

Mar. 11 mml. I Friday. Iter. mon.

Preklay. 13... 111 muraProlaky. FUOM MILVURD. War.

11614 y. Mar. 14, sourtur, It. italunL4). 1 mons I vs.

1 alum imam, AND SWANSEA. FOR tRRIAS. .54 P. I Itervaord. nil F.l• Plerrei.sed.liserob).

awl 6.5 Coma). lartla)s. Ilmterias. 1 Mar. 7...14 Mar.

3. .15 men S. -111 mere Priam, 4...11 non. mom 1111er.lay. t.

-It n.n Tortila). 11. 3 ISO4II I vows 110 0 10 T. 4 west I Tlorsilay. fl Nom Mir 13.

two.l May. 13... if sers If. 7 mot. Solureay.

11. 74 it. Teerimy, If. ft nom If. -Is ono I Theriday.

nom 31. 1 44 k). mum 04017003 1. 11. arra ..11 31 morn Turalio.

I mo. Thenvat, 14. ..4 11110,11 I 4 mom 01 mons I mak, 7 10er. ilatarday, 71 morn 74 mum 4 mom 71, 1 morn 8.. Prowl NE BWItT mail I.A.

ekily; Stinfloyeezerptr4. am! fines ('ARI fPP. lord; ektritrllr, nod Prism. qf Bark ifs The whole. of the Mom are Gthol ap for Ike ran.

arrears of Passearre awl ea Word. earring. mil Ilene. Shipped with awe Carriages to be INlppoll toe Iran before aailiug. Pere Osier" may he netnised by applying at she 11R Ig.

ToI.STKAM NAYBIATIONOOSWANY'S oFricE, QUAY, when all Urea, reelteges Parcels, he, should be addreowd Swim. to W. Terrell Sims Xi. Bark: li. C.

lilyeein. 12, Quay-street to K. H. Jolisein, Clere.nt net Nall, NI arah-Street for Ninepin, to J. Nownhana Wharf, llotwelly.

Armlets. G. 'really; Mr. J. Rees, Hawes foremen; Mr.

Palmer, Mr. Bowes, Paler; Mr. Jnine N. Swart. an.l Mr K.

T. Terser, Mr. I's Whine, Itirlefool; Mr. Mersin, Ilfnineshe Mr. Thefts.

Baler, and Mr. Nolan Stem, Canwints-s. Propnelory of the shine Steam Packets will not be anniestable for say robot Paweiager'is Leg. pp, (if leat sr datiwagol,) Melo the of Yin Meese; ear far nay Beek Paeirege erdemayted) above the roles of Twenty Shilhisfe, mares is earl one fostered real. freight ni prepense pail fee the sew.

at the time of Nef will They be seseenityle ger nor ether parcel above tire value ef Fixity fibilliege teflon a 'thmserwl selesseetered as freight is proven lion put for the at the time of N.ll.—Nor reeetetfr Jr dry Gods widest Skipping sorlday Sheba, Mime Mi. CAVTION: In consequence of the numerous complaints made to the Authors by patients who have been induced to mochas' spurious copies of this work. advertised by illiterate pmtenders, ender titles imitating as closely as possible the word MA 'moo." Patients are informed they can this mark fonrarded then, by initial or otherwise, to any addramt. Di the Authors' Residence, on remitting 3a. 64 in postage stamps.

They are also particularly read to notice in the Preface, pages 5 and 6. the of6cial deetarations made before the Lord Mayor of London. on the 6th of April, 1811. proving the number printer, oof, and sold since Map, 18111, which will prevent disappointment, and secure original. The abuse forwarded (post.paill) in a sealed envelope for by Henry Webber, Advertiser Guardian Ogee Cardiff; Catnisnan Office.

Swansea Chrosick Mee: Shrewsbury Times Office, Hereford; annular Office. Bangor; at the Herald Office, Caraanaa aad at the Welshman Office, Carmarthen. lay rust to those offikted with hapetiesollpasves, Chokro ea Bassi Comphdate. RIM HOST GRACIOUS NAJINITY. HIS LATE mosr NAJESTY.


Slr A. Carlisle, M.D. Slr D. Daiwa. lII.D.

The 'loyal of the must emioest men in this rnustry. It is a rare occurrence for aselical men to he so candid as to through the tranesela of lotia.accostrinted rules to advisee any specific that any be submitted to their outire. but as regards ESSENCE 01 GINGEN. they hare done on by certifying to its excellent properties in an manlier. Nut no wooer does se article of merit Kato repute.

than it is counterfeited be franerkot tradmoneu. in 100 many instances. assume the appearunto of reaper talsilit v. It therefore behoves lb. Proprietors Of I.

Els, nr 61161:11111 In en. lion the public against the serious consequences produred by spurious vended by many Chemists, contain. iug anxious and stimulating drugs, tinder he assumed uf EBB PSC KOF GINGF.K." Purettesers are therefore prtieularly reguested to ask foe Wootoiticen's{MCR roe GINGSII; fa inindiefy Infiefker U. stamp nffis.pri ores the earl has thin worsts DECIIIUS WIX)UIIOI3SE, IS, King Williams Street, London itra printed thereon without witch it cannot h. genuine.

It cannot to too generally Beaten, that the above and 908 of the Faculty recommend every Family to have it is their 0e re rind iculatly where medical aid is not ely atonleble, fur the following Heartburn, ladigeoion, Loss of Appetite, Sensation of Polars', Pain and Oppression after especially in Spasms Cramp, Flatulence, Hysterics, aod all affeclioUS oftho Stomach and Bowels. to those curs of iodigestion. arising Noma Booty Coostitution. it will prove it di always, if had rimannie to io time, Chemist an attack of that may he bad of every Clameist in the Voiced Kingdom. in Bottles b.

6.1, and ls. and glass-stoppered Bottles 104 id. and 91s. each. A saviog is effected is purchasing the larger Mord Bottles.

Prepared only by GREGORY HA 9WA London, Solo Proprietors of WOODHOUSE'S BALSAM OF SPERMACETI. for Ms of Coosomptios, and relief awl erre of Colds, A dhow, Whoratog, mod 01l offoefloos of 144 ChM and Lump. The wonderful elect of this invaluable Preparation. in affording iostamt relief so the above has erected quite a 'aviation in the medical worid, and is now admitterl by of the most einioeut of the fiscally lobe the only remedy hitherto discovered fur off ording instant relief in the above distressing afflicted with who for years have been deprived of their nightly rest, have been cured in ao incredible short period, by to use of this innocent remedy. The Proprietors ly call the attention or hearts of famdter, the public generally to thew invaluable medicines, as they may be safely taken by the most delicate bott'es at fs.

IV, 4e. 911., and ds. lid. erich. A great Paving iu purchasing the larger sise iluapitalc, Pablo Institutions, and the Prokasius, supplied on Use usual terms..

Carmarthen Journal from Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire, Wales (2024)
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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.