Chick Shredding Banned! : DW : November 3, 2024 1:02am-1:31am CET : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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good right, before mail checks would be shredded since they serve no purpose an egg production . so called brother roosters of commercially bread hens cancel a ex there meet isn't popular with consumers either time. no one wants the rooster on 5. he said with a straight line. i'm just not plausible to raise the brother cock, essentially, but they still germany's former agriculture minister, really looking at legally band to chick calling village fights and 50 globally were the 1st to legally in this practice that from science unacceptable to kill animals immediately after hatching. just because they are of a certain 6, this is a milestone for animal welfare. that's because that that law was just made for the media. on millions of male checks are still being hatched in germany. the law injures animal rights activists got. it's basically, really a hellish solution would need anyone buying these things should really think twice

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before falling for this p r trek line funding that's supposed to what's happened to the millions of male checks born in germany since the law took effect in 2022 and this increase our search for them takes us from germany to poland. to gone us is phonetics and i'm, i'm alexis, i'm home. i'm following the mail chicks ridge. my number's, my name's fit into the bins. i'm doing the background research. is this law a breakthrough for animal welfare, or is it just making things worse? the germans loved their eggs, eating around $230.00 per person every year. that's around 20000000000 eggs annually. these eggs come from a chicken breed use especially for mass production. now,

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egg cartons that promise no chip calling with brother. rooster rearing suggests that these chickens are living a good life. our research begins were commercially bred chickens are born in a hatchery. i'm on my way to the village of sending in the german state of north ryan was fairly a bore cod bring shorter runs this saturday. he and his colleague cloudy a cooler show me around the main business here is incubating and rearing laying hands. these incubators can hold more than 300000 x. of course, it's not just tens that have here. um a file from experience there. 50 percent? female, 50 percent? male. sticking name on it to them. there are other ones which don't hatch either because the eggs unfertilized or they just don't make it. before the law came into effect, male checks would be enough to ties and killed after hatching. now they're allowed

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to live, but how trees and still only profit from their hands. bombs the wires, the roosters profitable for you. i'm not going so basically there are new buyers for these brother roosters want. there's relatively little meat on the t v and he's a flash on that. that's exactly our biological di. lemme you them on this and there are new customers. no one wants to buy these roosters on after 40 days. offend and weighs about 2.5 kilos. it takes roosters more than $150.00 days to reach anywhere close to that weight. meanwhile, in the hatchery, i'm finding out how soon chick life begins in the attic. that's the amount of money now, and then you'll see a heartbeat from the, from these neural pathways you can tell what the bodies line below and the air sacked up here. that's a little closet. you can see all the movements. oh yeah. so literally,

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there's life in here. he hasn't even been 2 years ago. if this egg contained a meal check, he would have been killed at birth. the practice of calling mail checks had long been condemned by animal rights activists. in 2013, they denounced, bring schultz as hatchery to make an example of the whole industry. in 2016 the company was indicted, but the case was dismissed because check calling pleasant, expressly forbidden, under german law. however, the court clearly stated that law makers could make calling chicks a punishable offense. and in 2022 they did. wonderful. it's a milestone for animal welfare. now, german farmers have the following options. option one raised the brother, roosters and sell their meat auction to use breeds of chickens. secondly, eggs and produce better meat. option 3 sort out meal checks by the 13th day. thank you. patients before they have the draft law was introduced in the late summer of

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2020 and took effect at the start of 2022. not all hatcheries need the transition in time. in the members on the bottom, the in north ryan with cecilia. we were one of 13 hatcheries, isn't working on so slow today. there's just 2 of us in the slides. one be germany white for me. there were $25.00 at one point from that there was only 5 of us and each and we're not very happy. how often is to florida? that low is just made for the media? no, for the meeting it knocked on. the critics were pacified at 1st. when animal rights activist took legal action against bring showed us how to read, it pushed the government to act. but at great cost. my come to that was a lose lose situation because there was nothing to be one or the ethical side can try empathy to working solution lose on and a half a tree like this meal checks hatch one after the other. but where are they supposed to go? now, the 2nd one is trying to figure out if

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a child is going from me, i'm on there in the hatching phase. now what day are we on now? the 20th incubation day, the female checks are raised here to become laying hands or later sold to other firms as young hands to become a this little guy. lucy, on the 1st thing. as i understand you, there aren't many yet. then you'll be back united and fastened out, including i must started the fattening and the slaughtering usually don't take place in germany, but rather in neighboring poland. the slightest bit lessons wondering happens along most exclusively in poland because it costs more to slots or the birds in germany. and so they just can't compete kind of talk just off the volume ro we've heard that most of the male chicks go abroad to poland in particular. so we're going to take a closer look. that's cool. we don't have to make an

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o on. the law was created to improve animal welfare, but now these meal checks are being transported over great distances. i want to find out what happens to them after that. ava tv, do you have that enough in these work? hold bring sure to have hired to raise the meal checks wouldn't respond to us and gave no indication as to where they're reared. we pulled ahead of see where do other german hatcheries send their mail checks. i do some research writing associations in poultry farms, yet no one will provide any concrete info. so i turned animal rights activists early on. many suspect to be in t chicks reading lot would only make matters worse. they shot videos showing how these roosters really live. to me this isn't the ethical rooster rearing those a cartons promise. since the lots of effect the animal rights activists give me a list of farms which rear brother roosters. i for the list to. alexa. i

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set out for poland to see for myself what the conditions are like for the roosters living there. journalist machine crescent, alaska has agreed to help me with my research here. he's been working on animal husbandry in poland for years and hasn't covered some shocking cases. i run, you know, various investigations on different subjects and this is the most difficult one, i guess in germany it was a big subject to save those metrics. but then in poland there is the information that he's investigated. businesses all over poland on our behalf. i told the number of congress to do service anymore, so they're putting tricky because things they sent and i asked the question and

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then the guy said, i don't know. i ask another question and he just disconnected in half of my sentence, which is quite like strange. why is there so little info about what's happening to the brother roosters? if it's all legal, what are these companies got to hide? come to the over 17000000 mail checks have been brought here to pull it off, but here no one seems to know what's happened to them as it does. and apparently they vanished without a trace. but that can be so we're going to search for them. let's see if we can find out more by going there. so i'm, i'm trying to perform like tomatoes from we had for places on the list given to us by animal rights activist. her 1st destination is just south of rolls off. a slaughterhouse for boiling foul is said to be located here, and we want to have a look around. the brother, roosters are much too small to be slaughtered and conventional add a twice, but slaughterhouses for boiling file are designed to handle smaller birds. so

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there's a good chance the german roosters are being slaughtered here. we ask around, but no one's willing to speak with us. the director has no interest in this kind of interview if he doesn't want to speak to you. so we can talk with anyone know but we keep going. things make our way to a large farm which appears to have a lot of groups. the various hello. is there someone we can speak to? based on this, go round to the other side of the building. oh, thank you. so please call me back. we finally got a lead. in 2 days time, 20000 male checks are scheduled to arrive from germany. the owner is even willing

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to let us come inside, provided we don't show his face. at 1st, most animal rights activists were happy that chick calling was banned in germany. now they're just shaking their heads. 3 petition meeting from animal rights organization. local tissue heavily criticizes how the law has been implemented. that they had some kind of tongue into anyone who holds an egg garden like this in their hands. things we can take, i'm doing something good, and at least these animals can live a decent life. it needs to know that these birds will wind up in a factory file and die in poland or another foreign country as well. so anyone buying these ag should really think twice before falling for this cheap brother, rooster p. r tracking to optic, the line fight in which the image he thinks it was wrong, that male chicks used to be killed just after they hatched. but a law that forbids their slaughter while condemning them to afford living conditions isn't much of an improvement. he's the cutest thing, eco,

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these animals barely turn a profit so they stuff hauls all of them to get something out of it in the end and of all the way the result is all you do is bunyan by an infected open wounds on the feet and excruciating pain. any tech click the snap. so is the new loss failure as it is because that's the thing i find the law was. let's put a lid on the chicks. reading problem will be a magic, but even back then i knew it wouldn't work. um, they weren't thinking about the animals that you and in the end, consumers in a supermarket are left with a bunch of meaningless labels. a been empty promises and keep them up and jumped in yet. so the law was supposed to do the exact opposite back in poland. this group is still empty. but 2 days from now, $28000.00 to mail checks from germany will be arriving. okay, lots of rules about fees, how many checks will fit in here?

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he's the guy to 30000 to solve this issue. you might find a free tube and that's where the checks guy is picking up like a broker. $5.00. oh that's yes i do. it all comes point. so your range replaces all of her the whole into it. how many chicks have you places and below? no, do i think 16 millions. but the brother roosters won't stay here for long piece to go from the after 12 weeks, they go to the slaughterhouse where they wind up and su 4 pads a boar, and they're explored and they would want export to it for to few, many go to africa oh okay, so we're now to your best price. that's not, i don't know, that's a note to me. come to me one more time tonight. so i ask for kind of all places. right. so i don't know, they won't say me. so in this group, the conditions look quite good right now. so we're a male chick winds up is largely

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a matter of luck. since it took effect and the lobby, protecting the wellbeing of all chicks and brother, roosters europe wide agriculture, including the poultry industry, receives about $50000000000.00 euros and ease subsidies every year. but the market for brother roosters is quite small in selling their meat because i'm profitable. especially in germany, europe subsidies system have to knock on a sec from other countries. like gonna, let's take a closer look. i traveled to the city of kumasi and gone to my 1st stop. the market. poetry is popular here, especially in port a chicken. that's because imported poultry meat brought to gonna is cheaper the oven. ready chickens sold by local farms, costs the equivalent of 4 years. important chicken costs. half that much local farmers can compete on price. so most consumers buy the imported meat.

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i mainly eat imported chicken because the meat from local farms is too expensive and imported chickens are very plump and have a lot of meat. that's good. the local chickens are much smaller in price here. i prefer important to meet because it can the, the whole family so i can see that you did for us. does anybody crime a 45 hours by car from kumasi? why support of across the canadian capital is the important needs. first point of arrival. many here are involved and it straight. i like to reconnect my name is lorina for more than a decade. philomena who has been buying and selling imported poultry. it's stored here on this. she receives $20.00 to $30.00 containers of

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imported chicken per month. and read us a check and confirm if call from us for land on 3, china and turkey. other places in the supply chain often starts in europe to okay, that's expensive because of all this me. it had its origins in germany and then went to poland and now has wound up here and done. you won't find whole frozen birds in this cold for just checking parts for let me know to says important have increased and recent years. from now to can business on from the most efficient as we come really, more in gonna people prefer like buying to buy more room for small gun was all of wine involving themselves in their business. the import a chicken makes a tough for local sellers to survive on the domestic market. christy, on a bow, a,

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feels the effects of this practice. she operates a chicken farm with her family. she says there was lots of activity here years ago . now only a few who are at full capacity. she takes me into one yet is 1009 wile imported meat is under cutting her business like me either like for me and then like this. it is money because of the price you see on the phone. she sells her chickens for a round 4 year owes a piece that's almost twice as much as the poultry gone to imports from abroad. and how it's expensive to fit in the animals. we can keep up with the price of important chicken means that the farms and gone are collapsing because of the chicken imports. we make almost no profit most. until

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a few years ago this firm employed many people. now there's not much work to be done. and over the years, she's had to lay off more and more workers and her last time in here at the very chicken and for 3 years, 3 years. it's not easy for christiana, your boy and her family. does you have a farming is how we are in a monitor. so we're trying to keep our phone lines collapsing and i as yeah, there because if it doesn't survive, i don't have any other options. the me, a black at 1st glance, canadian consumers seem to benefit from the cheap imports, but they're preventing gone as poultry production from becoming self sufficient. plus it's not sustainable to ship to meet thousands of kilometers.

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to recap, german log band chip calling in 2022. now the labels on egg cartons lead consumers to believe that mail checks will lead good lives. one of the solutions proposed by the law involved raising and selling the birds. one of the few farms doing just that isn't golf in north ryan was fairly a 6000 female checks and 1000 males are being delivered to this organic farm. something good, so after about 80 of them. yeah. good. they have to do yesterday. the hens were brown, and the roosters are whitehall and in cooking for the hanging of invites. these roosters are supposed to have a good life right from the start. the looks like he's going his own way. it was who and where do you think you're going

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them and that's where i live experiencing. this gives you respect for living creatures, and it doesn't make sense to say it's here now better kill it to install ones as one kinda sift through a bug with this breed line. it's just not possible to raise the brother car extensively with the hands in for us to see. ready still he rears them well. ringback going yeah, mazda more so here we have our brother rooster's mom's transformer. they were put into a normal crew, free ring coop on. and then 2 or 3 weeks ago, they came over here at flight. i've also here come on, you, i'm the young here. they can range freely. oh, there's feed and water in the cool. it's owned by phone outside. there's no extra fees put up by raising the brother roosters, he's doing what the law makers intended. but that's not competitive in the long run . modern wishes consumer attitudes would change so that small firms like his didn't sell their eggs and chickens at a loss. ringback the politicians other suggestion is to pre dual purpose chickens.

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this type of chicken way as fewer ex. what can also be used for me production, but that's not profitable for farmers like young bowden. so he's pleading for government subsidies. ready less than what's your wish for the future? yeah. and spend to get some support from the politicians kick. hold on for me. i remember i said can be that we're leading the way and then the some point we're forced to throw in the towel. he said was taking this and it was the politicians idea. so they need to take responsibility for it and not leave us in the lurch. they started taking the rest of the time to hear from the politicians, germany's ministry of food and agriculture is currently headed by chance of the mirror from the greens scheduling issues meant we couldn't speak with him in person . so we put our questions in writing. we ask, what do you think of the fact checks are being taken abroad,

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where they're fattened and slaughtered under off? what conditions does that comply with animal welfare? a ministry spokesman responded. the german government has no knowledge as to whether brother, roosters from german hatcheries are being raised, slaughtered and sold under questionable conditions abroad. he would be more specific than that. what does the ministry think about rooster meat being exported to africa? we didn't receive an answer. the average ultra ministry is allocating funds for dual purpose chickens and in over sex thing which can determine a chick fix before hatching. in ovo sexing makes it possible to stump incubation of mail check embryos. so the brother roosters don't hatch at all since hatcheries are increasingly dependent on in almost anything. it's expected that the number of brother roosters will continue to decline. that way.

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mal checks are already sorted out, as embryos. that's possible until the 13th day. i think you've ation printed the could not be the solution at the only university of applied sciences they're trying to use in over sex and even earlier research for young shelf and feel it shows me a method they're working on the whole from bus view on his head and we hope to develop a device which will enable us to chiefly identify the sex on the 3rd day of incubation . hot topic 10 can then whether the sensation of pain really develops on the 7th or 13th day, isn't even up for discussion to discuss your own states, our examination method, let's the cold take place before that. and so animal suffering is reduced to a minimum increased medium in this device, collects gender specific data from the incubated ex hormones. proteins and other data get measured after making a small hole in the actual run that from so we've made a hole in it to get to the membrane. come me can. all right,

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because we expect to find far more hormones to measure in the membrane and then on the actual out of the ice. charlotte, afterwards, a laser beam of a specific wavelength will be shown into the hole that stimulates the molecules in the eggs outer show membrane, causing them to admit a distinctive form of radiation which differs according to the embryos sex. a lindsey funds g, a g, or you can already see the measurements signals arriving and accountability and registered by the detector. it seems as i'd like to count the form to take the off on that. and then with the help of an algorithm, it determines whether the check is male or female. this method is only worth it for mess egg production in large companies. though the, the alternate to tests with naturally, we hope that when it's fully developed in the industry will recognize that it no longer has to go to great lengths to get around to the german long of to torture.

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because that's people. the german government has allocated over 8000000 euro is to fund research of an over sex and methods. but this technology is still being developed. the all the alternatives to chicks reading are either not market ready or not economical. so it makes no difference if the a curtain says no mail checks cold. the only purpose that serves as to suit the guilty consciences because germany's anti check calling lot, as well intentioned. the poorly executed the

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Chick Shredding Banned! : DW : November 3, 2024 1:02am-1:31am CET : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.