Albany Democrat-Herald from Albany, Oregon (2024)

Friday, 25, 1974 flta) taOCWt-ftrOlD 21 800 500'Mobils Homes 700 Auctions Houses and Duplexes Hornet els end Supplies 500 Kill Estate Display 39S Unfurnished Apartments 400 405 Furnished Apartments 403, Houses and Duplexes 1, 197 MtOADMOItK deluxe 12x60, two MUST give away small IU59 REX mobile home, air con FURNISHED APARTMENT Linens, female Poodlo THREE BEDROOM, l't baths. Swedish fireplace, double car garage, QUERN'S TERRACE E. Uumhi J.R.TODD REALTOR Shepherd and female Silver ihlioner, stove, double floors, garbage TV, utilities, two bedrooms, mix. tun 4U3. AVAILABLE approximately February 1.

Two bedroom house, garage, stove, riuhwanher, drapes, shag carpeting, tm 928-3406. weekly, (Ms bedroom, $30. Wim. bedroom, new kitchen carpet, air rimdiiioning, skirting, all channel TV antenna, set up in Maple Terrare Trailer I'urk. North Albany.

VM 0122, 2ft45l4. (Iiiohu, wilh or wilhoul furniture. IhuI oiler Conner Roud to 4440 NE Available soon, one. (wo, ind three liedroom unfurnished. Includes wall to Will carDctlna.

urbane dianiaal on quiet cut de ssc (reel. No children and no pets, $175 per month. 9264293, days; evenings, 926-6277, TINY Toy I'imkIIc puppies, ulso stud Wood Albany, WAVEKL'Y PLAZA AUCTION Furniture ond Miscellaneous Every Saturday 7 p.m, Schnelter Auction Santiam Rd. Lebanon. 258-2257 servicu, Ihreo pound male, proven Two bedroom furnished, 72ft South dishwasher, private lui and lis (VII itnu ikih sire.

HOOMV THREE bedroom, family Davidson, 926-35BO, TWO BEDROOM unfurnished four-plex, $130, Water, gurbage und sewage paid Carpeting, ilnixK, major ap- DELUXE, THREE bedroom, t'a bath duplex with garage, Forced-air heat, all kitchen aitpHancvs. drapes, fenced buck yard, $199 per monlfi Including waler and garbage. 926-1262 or TWO MAI.K (iermun Shepherd KKI'IISKKSSIONS. 1972 Tamarack 12 xllo, Iwo bedrooms, IK7I Homed 12 60, two bedrooms, very low down payments take over payments. UN room, two balhs, 24x118 Villa West, many extras, $11,700, Call for details, day, after 7524074 HEATHERSTONE CHALET METRO CAPRI PLAZA munces Hit lulling dihwulier, clone ii grade school and shopping center.

Deluxe furnished one and two puppies, two months old, V2H-4H37. KIlKKhhirk kittens and cats. CullMft 7540. 1137 lllh. Mobile Homes.

2li-3M Interstate Realty Exchange, 926 4413, Evenings, 926 3310. LIKE NEW fwo year old 24x60 Call K62674 or see managers il 414 One bedroom, camels. draDes. ucuriMim units, uisnwas icrs. aiir wire S10 Building Materials disposals, wall-to-wall carpeting refrigerator, range, private storage Sorry, no children or nets.

Call wm. llealeu KWimmina non Kuuna Olympian momie home in ine country. Ask iiIxhiI Ibis one. Evenings, Hoy, 926 2435. Wilh lloulon Realty, lieultor.

920 5881, AKC St. Iternard pups, 150, eight colored appliances, (Iranerics. rloaa 61176. CEDAR SHAKES shopping, off street parking. Water THREE BEDROOM duplex.

Immediate possession. Garage, refrigerator and stove, dishwasher and drapes, fully carpeted, $160 month. 2112 K. Jelfereon, one block to tWU BEDROOM FHA, 1131 monthly fcrrnmr JUST COMI'LETEDI Deluxe two bedroom duplex units featuring: Spacious rooms, privalc patios, garages, sell cleaning ranges, dishwashers, garluige disposul. -carpeting, ilruixK, und much more Uicaled at 22no unit Ji'llerson ond garbage paid.

I all 926 7304. an utilities paia. Hangs, relrlgerator, IN country. Ix-uullful 14x65 Flamingo. Heavy half inch andtiand spill tapers, Will deliver, 24 hour service W.

Hickman, Jr. Shake Mill, 2'-2260. weessaoia. wo-am ST HKItNAUl) one year old female, registration available. Iteasonahle.

KHKK TO IKIMKS: MOHILKIIOMKSAI.K This warm und cozy all electric UniplighU-r feature a front living room with cathedral beamed roiling Uiulile Insulation, forced hot air healing, storm windows make this inviting home easy to heal at low cost. Itn-h new dit-or will please your wife, Ion. flutters, downspouls and skirting complete this package at $8595. Kilroy'i, 410 S. Airport Hd.

Albany. shag carpeting, drapes. COLONIAL $67.50 ONLY Sunrise School. Call 920 1406, evenings, 928 4456, COURT APARTMENTS, 721 K. J4lh, three Ix-droom mobile hom*o, will consider boal, or Iruvel Iruiler as part (iUily.

AhMime payments Parking Albany. 28 1148, For singles, new modern units, at-Iracllvely furnished, kitchen facilities. CASKCO BUILDERS 926-0078 TWO BEDROOM. I'j hath townhouse. space $40 month 926 845,1.

utilities included, 926-3587. Klkhound mix three year old male, five mimlh female, have shots', very arpeting, stove, relrlgerator, at COLONIAL VILLA ALL UTILITIES PAID 12 55 SPORTSMAN Villager, two 410 Mobile Homes tached garage, washer-dryer honk up, 2527 S. Tudor Way, 1100 '928 4738. gnoa witn cniiiin-n va-Km WM462. bedroom all set up.

partly furnished THE VILLAGE COURT and BKIAHWOOD TEXTURED CEILING TILE 1 2 sq.ft. SANDQUIST BUILDING SUPPLY 1 738 E. 7th-928-2543. $451X1. 258 5412.

AKC IIASSI-TT puppies, excellent pet One and two bedroom furnished, In 520 Mobile Financing Furnished and unfurnished. per month plus deposit. Two bedroom townehouse, appliances, carpeted, drapes, close lu schools, off street parkings. 3510 S. Oak, No.

17, 926-7856. 315 MARILYN Street five acres, small three bedroom. $210, I01S lor cniiuren, sum eacn. tan vommjs WHY LOSE your equity to eludes colored appliances, carpeting throughout and laundry facilities, $93 TWO BEDROOM, near LBCC. One child no pets.

1100.00 and deposit, 926-4550, after noon. depreciation? Loveiv Iwo bedroom Waverly Drive, three bedroom, $150. ana up. iau vn-vzw. KOIt SALK: l'urired St.

Bernard female, three years M. Cull mmi 926-4277, Henshaw Realty. large bath, 19 55, with so many extras, below market value, only $3800. 394 2708, 394-3769. CAPE LEE APARTMENTS sweet Home.

Mobile home, three bedroom, Itione928'50l9. THE KINGSMAN 919 West 20th AVAILABLE approximately February I. Two bedroom house, over 1000 square feel. Karaite, stove, dish ni'iuxe iwo bedroom with all appliances, carnulinu. dranea.

nlwlrlp Available soon: Two bedroom fur MOUII.K 1IOMK KINAN-N(; MOHII.K IIOMK THAUKHS-WK think wi' have Ihe bed financing liutiuge in tlm si ule Come in and check on our low down payments. Our prices are ixmlcd in each home and we arc open daily till dark. KILROYS 410 Airport Kd, Albany 026-4462 ST. BERNARD male, AKC registered, pick of the litter. Excellent markings, eleven weeks old.

Sell or trade, make Rums-Room and Board 415 nished apartment, includes aha PARTICLE BOARD SHELVING fireplace, laundry facilities, 3222 washer, drapes, shag carpeting. $169. 928-3466, carpeting, garbage disposal an norm anorc ur. 928-2972. oner, zw-zooi, 1973 KIIKI.IIY Imperial, luxurious.

24x711, set-up in U'lianon park. All cleclric, three bedrooms, two bath, lumily room, wet bar, cenlsal air conditioning, house siding and roof, custom drapes, carpet, and more, 259- 1870. laundry lucinties. 132 per month, cull CARE for vour loved ones, uonnic, JUDDSON PARKWAY 34th It Jackson AVAILABLE NOW: Unfurnished two bedroom apartment, wall to "Vail AKC Golden Hetriver puppies, born 11 24-71, two year old female, $50 each 753-2374, FOR RENT. Close to Lovely New (wo or three bedroom excellent food, 24 hour supervision, now huve vacancies.

Eldcrguesl Collage. Home for (he Aged, under new management. 928 7507. carpeting, major appliances furnished, laundry room facilities. $125 all four schools: Elementary, Junior 12x96 inch Spaces! Developments' 525) 1972 SAHARA 12 64 olus exoando.

928-2008, 926 1748. High. High and Linn llcnlnn. One furnished one liedroom duulex. $100.

$.99 $1.99 IN IIAI.SKV. lighl housekeeping. two bedrooms, storm windows, awning, skirting, 92C-2536. IIAHMONY ACHES-TANGENT Two liedroom apartments, furnished, $120 or unfurnished. $100, cleaning MANCHESTER MANOR 730 East Queen 2x96 inch $40month Phone 41-3731 sleeping room, private bath and entrance, utilities lurnished, $75 a month; I It I E.

Third ut It Street, 928- iee. small peta welcome, one one COTTAGE SALE DOG TRAINING Ottcdienee: Cnmpanionllunt-Show Hunters: Top fidd lraincd l-ubs. GROOMING AU.IIKEEDS units Drapes Lush shag carpeting Stove Refrigerator Dishwasher Disposal TV Antenna Lots of storage Yard maintained Pool Forced Gas Heat liedroom ciHlugc. furnished. $85 Fa' 9643.

IIEATIIERDALE MOBILE PARK COMFORT and economy are the features that highliiiht this all electric targe deluxe two and three bedroom townhouse apartments. Close to school month, across the street from VM 3410 S. Pacific lilvd. Iwo beriroomptwo bath Sierra, Double PLEASANT comer room, men only, ana snapping. aii units have air Spaces for 8.

Ill, 12, 14 and double wides. Swimming poo rec hall, water and garbage included. VA approved. 528 Washington Street. 433 E.

3rd 926 2137' Gene Richardson 928 2329 MULTIPLE LISTING MEMBER Near South Albany High, three bedroom, two bathi, two 1 fireplaces, with many built-Ini, on large fenced well-landscaped Iqt, $29,500. Three one bath, doublt garage, carpet and many exrat, 119,950, I HAVE CASHBUYERS FOR EQUITIES AND CONTRACTS HENSHAW Realty Realtor 120 S.Ferry 926-4277 CORNER lot, 111 feet on Pacific 104 Utt on Wavtrly Drlvt. Old itrvlct station building, total prlct $39,500. NEWER 6-plex, great buy at $60,000, duplex $29,000. Two ocrti, Btrlin orea, hat itptlc, okay for mobllet, $5,000 termt.

Flvt ocrti, 3 btdroom, barn, doit in, $28,500. Helen Bud Roth 926-6389 MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING FEDERAL G.I. $50 DOWN- Full price $23,500 -Sunken living room -Corner fireplace Two full baths Three btdrooms Large country kitchen -Range, garbage disposal, dishwasher -Fully carpeted -Large double garage -Forced air gas heat -Located off Wayerly Drive -Some homes available with separate family room, PAYMENTS $180.60 at 8 interest Including interest and principle. Taxes and insurance extra, 30 years. Annual percentage rate 9.

Call TIMAA HOMES collect, 393-2328, afternoons PARTIALLY furnished, two bedroom insulation, storm windows and electric forced hot air heat make for economy. Carnal a A nf xaiipca lull at Anun. West Highland While Terriers. Adults conditioning. i'a baths, utility rooms, sell cleaning ranges, refrigerator, and dishwasher, small pets allowed.

926- Business Rentals 425 vm pwu, ut Lines k- uwii spouts, skirting insluded at the low apartment, $90. Furnished one bedroom apartment. $85, plus $50 cleaning fee. No pets. 926-2440, 296- Phone days, 752-7203, evenings, 926- 027H.

or pups, lor pet or show. FOUR KENNELS 'hct Mary Lou I HI. I Ihix 1.34 Tangent. 92(1-7414 20 NEW SPACES HEADY KOH IMMEUIATEtX-'CUPANCY sale price. 112,495.

Kiiroys, 410 5 Airport Rd. Albany, 9264462. 8405. ONE BEDROOM apartment between 1100 SQUARE feet of of ice i space in Albany and Corvallis, $95 monthly TWO PARTIALLY furnished one Includes utilities. Call Circle Realty, commercial area.

$150 monthly. Call Circle Really, 926-8666. AVAILABLE approximately February I. Two two bedroom duplexes, garage, stove, dishwasher, Cattle and Horses 705 View sites with country quiet atmosphere. Water and sewage, TV cable, carports, rec building.

Families welcome. From (50 per month. See us now for best selection! bedroom apartments. $60 and $65 tit SEE! ucfxrau. drapes, shag carpeting, $159.

vat-am NEED EXPOSURE? WILLETT APARTMENTS Welsh HALF yuarterhorses-balf gelding, $ioo. mm. Try our office space on Santiam and ONE AND TWO BEDROOMS, fur BRAND NEW DUPLEX, two One and two bedroom apartments, some carpet. Choice location, storaee. rucinc.

ikh). square ieet, sisu per KNOLL TERRACE PARK 5055 E. Elliott Circle Corvallis, 752-2225 bedroom. Ranchero Acres, wall to nished, TV cable, all utilities, close to stores. a week; monthly rates montn.

tan ms nm, urcie tteaity. quiet place for older people, close to wall. carpeting, stove; refrigerator, 20 MONTH OLD Appy and Arabian stud sell or trade for motorcycle. 258- avauaoie. joiiy iwotei, 1751 5, Main, drapes, $150 month.

m-Mis. stores, naoy accepted, sioo-silB. Call I p.m., 928-3025. 808 E. (Jueen.

beoanon. 8-Mb, New warehouses for lease up to 12,000 square feet. 928-9014 spoti.FSS three bedroom, fireplace. The Sauire and Carriage House POLLED HEREFORD registered BACHELOR. $65.

roomv street level patio, next to South Shore School. Two COME IIOMK TO SIIOHEWOOD II vnu've dreamed nl living in a gently rolling environment of trees, lakes and inding pathways SIIOHEWOOD was designed with you in mind. 1905 Waverly Dr. 926-9787. $75.

unfurnished house1 $110. 926-4690. GROUND FLOOR offices. Approximately 1800 sViuure feet, four ONE AND TWO bedroom furnished, water and garbage paid, laundry uuii. monins oio.

apiaei Dreeding. 926-3969 after 5 p.m. 8 blocks 10 rea meyer. oee tuo Ninth. $175.

753-7669. targe ninces. reception urea and SPACIOUS lacumes, quiet area, good location, $110 and up. Call Keynelle, 9264708. lounge.

Downtown location, near City ASA VILLA Other Livestock 710 nun ana lourthouse. carpeted, air Two bedroom, shag carpet, drarjes. conditioned. Would remodel for right Beautiful large two. three and four bedroom duplexes.

Garage, patio. TRAILER SPACE, all hook-ups Phone 394-3741 or 327-2410. 405j tjlove. refrigerator, dishwasher, laundry facilities. Some utilities naid.

Houses and Duplexes fireplace. 1740 S. Oak. 926-1853. tenant.

Jim Palmer Professional Investment Counselors. 225 West Third. 928-2559. NINE WEEK OLD WEANER PIGS, ONE BEDROOM duplex, very nice, ECONOMY SUPPLY, INC. Saturdays 'til 4 p.m., 258-7107 Almost to Lebanon, Hwy: 34 INSULATION 2'4x16.

100 sq.ft. 3'x16-70 sq.ft. roll $6.75 inch A-2 birch Ceiling tile, sq. ft 10' Fiberglass laundry tub. $14.95 White kitchen $13.42 VALLEY SUPPLY 926-8658 926-8659 Junction of Highways 99E and 34 UTILITY 2BY4 STUDS 8 Ft.

Lengths each Good through January 3 1st oras longos supply lasts Miller-Haines BUILDING SUPPLY 950 S. Geary 926-4438 TWO bedroom house for rent, stove available now, $105. 394-3885. TEN head whitefaced ewes, bred to and refrigerator included. $85.

926- Twin Cedars Mobile Park Extra Large spaces available, Families welcome 2796outh Main Road Lebanon. 259-5196 auilOIK. 3125. FOR LEASE Two one room offices in the new Hill Street Plaza. Soon to start Ihe 2nd Phase of new Professional COUNTY Home very private, can COUNTRY DUPLEX NEW-DELUXE office buildings.

Electric heat pump witn air conaitiontng. oil street WEANER PIGS 259-1435. Lebanon. have horse and calf. Apples, pears, plums, permanent pasture.

$125 month. Must have references. Scio, 6. Financial parking. Located near center- of Albany's population area.

Leases prior lo construction guarantees your choice of of hi arrangement and Large two bedroom on hall acre, attractive tile roof, fireplace, garage, drapes, shag carpeting, appliances. 394-3686. LARGE SIZE Hamp weaner pigs. $25 i-acii. Mi-urn, jenerson.

dishwasher, TV antenna, forced air SECLUDED comfortable furnished sue) home on junior acre, two bedrooms, interior decor. Call lodav. INTERSTATE REALTY EXCHANGE QUEEN'S TRACE all two bedrooms townhouse units laundry facilities carpeting, drapes large extra storage furnished or unfurnished water, garbage, TV cable Included appliances furnished special lease rates available 810 E. 19th Albany Call 928-4782 for appointment gas. Hardly seems like a duplex.

$169. 928-3466, if no answer call after 6 p.m. 715 Poultry and Rabbits sis sis write box 4981 AiDany Democrat HininfH Opportunities Imurance Investments Wanted Money to Lend Money Wanted Mortgages Contrsrti Herald. Hill 926-4413 2 425 QUALITY TWO bedroom duplex, redecorated, range, refrigerator, drapes, carpet, and garage. 2024 S.

THREE bedroom, unfurnished, extra BAui i nil ivy iiyLine layer or fryer chicks. Closed Saturday and Sunday. large duplex. Carpeting, appliances. INDUSTRIAL, light manufacturing or storage building for rent, located Lebanon.

7600 square feet, overhead jcims iidicnery, tangent, vzo-ml. Thurston, $140 with $35 deposit. No storage, fenced yard. No dogs, $145 or Business Opportunities 600 pets. Inquire next door or call 267-4662, less on lease, yze-uzia.

FRONTIER SHAMROCK PENTHOUSE MANATEE SEQUOIA KIT GOLDEN STATE KIT ROYAL OAKS At JIMMcKee's Hwy. 34 at 99 Between freeway Corvallis 926-8893 Sundays after Church See Oregon's Largest Selection of Quality Homes ft BROADMORE 6 ft GOLDEN WEST ft ft CONCORD ft ft GLENBROOK ft it PEERLESS ft ft SUNNYBROOK ftr INTER-CITY SALES LOOK FOR THE BIG ORANGE BUILDING 5 miles south of Albany on Interstate 5 at Corvallis-Lebanon exit. Ph. 926-8844-Closed Sundays OVER $400,000 NEW HOME INVENTORY 95 State Gl financing available, on mobile home-land combinatio- traveling electric crane. 2695 S.

Main. 720 Livestock Supplies 258-8877, 8 a.m. p.m. RENT. LEASE OPTION OR WILLSELL WEST END.

three bedroom house with fireplace. Electricity, water and sewage No pels, references BUILDING KOH LEASE. 36 200 foot. onB'a per Cent contract. Your credit is DON reed lice all winter.

Use Toxaphene Lindane spray on your animals'. Ervin's Drugs, Santiam al Pacific. will divide. Ideal for warehousing or light manufacturing. Located on required, $165.

926-4746. goon witn us, we carry our own con Goldfish Farm Road 926-0900. THREE bedroom duplex, fireplace, 4. Rentals Iract. If we can not put you in a new three or four bedroom home, quit looking.

8-5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Call 928-3587: after hours and patio, garage, garden space, $160 per NOW IS the time Albert Protein momn. tan szo-tww. Modern office space for rent Kings View Real Estate 926-7706 weekends call 926-7906 or 926-4654.

blocks, 21 and 36 per cent blocks with Hi-boot added for aid in prevention of hoof rot. Also, many bed sheets and SIX ROOM house, economical gas 815 Bicycles-Toys heat, large patio, good garden area, If You Have A Consumer Complaint Call or Write State of Oregon Consumer Protection Division 1 133 S.W. Market Portland, 97201 229-5522 2444 SHERMAN $125. sm; evenings. 9Z8-9MM.

Three bedroom unfurnished duplex, includes major appliances, washer- pillow cases in various patterns and sizes left. Hurry and stock up while supply lasts. Albers Feed ana Farm I Supply, 530 W. First, 928-7348, TANDEM BIKES: Rent by Ihe day, $10, or by the hour. THE SPOKE SHOP, TWO bedroom, collage between I'nfurnlshnl Apartments Furnished Apartment 4IM House and Duplexes Mohilr Homes KoomsHoom and Knarit tIS Xenial lo Share 417 Hotels-Motels 420 Hulnes Krntal US Farm ft Acrruifc t'M Miscellaneous Itrntals 4:15 Wanted to Kent 44 per dryer hook-up and yard, $135 month.

Call 926-3663. OFFICE SPACE l-arge and Small Several choice locations Immediate Possession Air Conditioning Carpeting-Parking WINES REALTY 926-5525 Evenings 926-2971 Albany and Corvallis. $80 monthly 836 Main Lebanon. 25B-5552 i an m-vm, urcio neaity. SHREDDED CEDAR bark, delivered JACKSONVILLE APARTMENTS Deluxe 2 bedroom Shag carpet throughout 'Appliances Walk-in closet Furnished or unfurnished Large living room Laundry facilities No pets Many extras Located 22nd and Jackson Phone Manager 926-8219 For Appointment To See CLEAN two bedroom home, West within 20 miles radius nf Lebanon.

$25 per load. Excellent for barnyards, also NEW 3's Albany, quiet neighborhood, $110. 327- shrubbery, call Albany, veynsi. Quality parts and service for 2111. 430 Farms Acreage Just completed large two bedroom duplex, appliances, fenced backyard, close to park, school and business.

Unfurnished Apartments 400 Hay and Grain LIFE BIKE HIKE 328 SW 2nd, Corvallis, 753-2912 UNFURNISHED TWO bedroom house, carpet, drapes, forced air heat, freshly painted, $120. 926-0620. Slab. 928-7390. 615 Money to Lend OAT STRAW or wheat straw, 60 cents Think Small.

Use a Classified Ad for Big Results. Call 926-2211 or 259-1694 bale. 258-6876, Lebanon. WAVERLY LAKE TERRACE Convenient location in nice, clean, freshly painted two bedroom apartments. Nice managers, dose to intersection or Santiam Highway and RANCHETTE for rent.

14 acres, fenced, small barn, modern three two bath, family room home with view. Very well kept, includes spring, pond arid garden area. Four miles Northeast of Albany, $100 security deposit; $300 a month. 581-8900: evenings: 364-8848. BUSINESS LOANS I Non-Bankable Situations) GOOD grass hay, $1.75 per bale.

Green Bonnie Ville Duplexes THREE bedroom vacancy, no pels. Limit two children. 926-7089. 1111 East Cameras-Photo Supplies 820 lescue clippings, $1.50 per Daie. an- Real Estate, first or second mortgage.

Pacific. $124.50 and $129.50. One cu evenings. Equipments, inventory. Accounts Receivable, contracts or notes bedroom available.

Call 926-4841. COMPLETE dark room equipment itu-iiiHinff Rplpr pnlanlpr with lent. receivable. Minimum loan $50,000. FOR SALE: About six tons of grass hay.

$35 a ton or $1.25 a bale. Call 928- 435 Miscellaneous Rentals 258-4326. NEWER THREE BEDROOM duplex, colored appliances, drapes, carpeted, no pets. $165 a month. 926-6701.

Furnished Apartments 403 Phone Mr. Lewis. 779-2348 or write 218 9950. evenings. S.

Central. Medford. 97501. TWO BEDROOM townhouse apartment, carpel, drapes, appliances, $125 a month. $50 deposit.

Children and one Wood and Fuel 830 for FURNISHED studio apartment ORCHARD grass and fescue hay for NEED rent $90. 926-6632. 634 S. Calapooia sale. $1.25 $1.00.

752-9032. LARGE TWO bedroom range and refrigerator, $115. No pets. 928-3560. pet welcome, call 926-8235 or see manager at 322 E.

34th. lians available on older home and unimproved land that does not qualify SELF-STOR 24 HOUR ACCESS, Individual storage wills, standard sizes, 5x10. 10x10. 10x15, 10x20. $9.50 to $24.50 per month.

Call Investment Properties, Inc. Corvallis. 753-2088. OAK ASH Fireplace wood. Large pickup load.

$35. Telephone: 327-2130, Jefferson. Pasture-Stables-Services 730 406 HILL street, furnished apartment, $105 month. 926-3125. $80.

SMALL mostly furnished, two lor conventional nnancing. INTERSTATE MORTGAGE Co. 571 Union NE Salem, 585-1327 Park Manor Apartments Lebanon bedroom house, appliances, water and garbage paid, laundry facilities. No' CLEAN ONE bedroom, electricity furnished. Quiet person only, $85, $30 deposit, 928-2681 before 9 a.m.

or 926- HORSESHOEING Corrective shoeing and trimming MIKE STRICKLAND 926-0641 dogs, references. Refundable deposit. 3456 Eleanor. 620 DRY hardwood slab, $20 a cord. Two cords.

$35. No mileage charge, Lebanon or Albany vicinity. II R. Smith. 258-8311.

Money Wanted Moderate income residence with three 440 Wanted to Rent 0010. bedroom, $145 and up. All utilities paid. Call manager. 259-1705.

See at 42 WANTED TO RENT: Pasture, long MODERN two bedroom unit, Queen CAN USE $20,000 extra cash for one or Market Dr. (Behind Southgate 337 EAST Sixth, furnished apartment, term or lease-option, can YM-1W4 and Hill area, $130. 920-6513. Wanted to rent 6-15 acres with shed or FIREPLACE WIHIU, $20 lor pick-up load. Phone 928-3900, after 5 p.m.

afler 6 p.m; or weekends. $95 month. Utilities paid. 926-3125. barn, Albany area.

928-9982, more years. Will pay 12 per cent interest and give first mortgage on real estate in llalscy area. 3(9-2609 mornings only. NEW TWO bedroom home. Carpeted Chopping Center).

WESTSIDE VILLA, two bedroom, 'IV bath HORSE HAVEN, horses boarded. BACHELOR apartment, completely throughout, appliances, drapes, lots of pasture or stall: will haul. 394-3739, furnished, private bam. 92MOW. storage.

$155. hee at 215 Davidson then call 928-2916 or 1-581-9263. townhouse units, carpets, drapes. Mortgages Contracts 625 5. Mobile Homes Pre-Fabs PRIME CUT fireplace wood: Oak, $45 cord.

Fir, $35 cord, average 3-4 inch diameter. Delivered and stacked, Albany, Lebanon, Sweet Home, Scio, Brownsville areas. 367-5769 after 5 pm. appliances, private patios, laundry facilities, air conditioning, heated ONE AND two bedroom apartments: from $106. Furnished or unfurnished, two bedroom unit with enclosed Stock ft Supplies Wanted -735 CASA VILLA Large Units 2 Bedroom from $149 3 Bedroom Townhouses $199 4 Bedroom Townhouses $225 Ranges, Disposals Dishwashers Refrigerators -Fireplaces Garages Manager 926-1853 1740 S.

Oak 6 ft ft ft NEW BEAUTIFUL NEAR PARK ii children welcome it 1 ond 3 i bedroom duplexes. Wall to wall carpeting Ct Draperies ft Range-Dishwasher Refrigerator Disposal Air conditioning it TV antenna Your choice of carport or garage. PARK VILLAGE 24th and Jackson 926-0284 ft ft ft ft Oaks Leaf Arms. 926-5490. patio, large storage area, Frigidairej Wanted to buy contracts.

pool. Heat, garbage and water paid. Close to schools and kindergarten. West 22nd and Elm. 928-2454.

range, refrigerator, dishwasner disposal. I child maximum, no pets. FVKN1SIIED APARTMENT All WANTED: Livestock Licensed and FIREWOOD, split, delivered. $40 utilities, best location. $32 weekly.

1410 bonded buyers. i I n. tne. $110 a month, 2703 S. Shore Inpp cord.

926-1 194 after 4 p.m. and anytime weekends. S. Washington 926-7871. 7.

Livestock and Tripp. Realtors. 926-1521, 500 Mfi SIS SIS 520 525 530 535 Mobile Homes Transporters Parts and Repairs Insurance Mobile Financing Spaces ft lie velopmenls Modular Homes Prr-Fab Homes SMALL furnished apartment, close in "OLD GROWTH fir log ends, split or THREE BEDROOM house with VALLEY MOBILE HOMES 'j mile west of Interstate 5 Corvallis exit on Highway 34. look for the huge gold building 928-2307 One SAFEWAY 12x60 with tip-out All electric Carpeting Plumbed and wired for washer and dryer Plus many other extras a steal at $5995 Price includes delivery and set-up VISTA MOBILE HOMES 4 miles east of Corvallis on Hwy. 34.

Albany, 926-8648 OPEN EVENINGS Member Mobil Horn Dolr Amoc Closed Sunday 8. Miscellaneous call 926-1279. unsplll. lall 1-258-7213 or 1-307-6006 anytime. East Linn Fuel Company.

family room, fireplace, fenced yard, $200 month. $75 security deposit. 928- ECONOMICAL ONE bedroom 9970. Auctions Sutri apartment, adult only, no pels. Water If you have bargains, you ought to advertise in the classified ads AMERICAN VILLAGE.

Two bedroom 1 $126.50 ond up water, garbage, TV cable furnished, appliances, draperies. 505 E. 27th 926-6905 Frls and Supplies 70S Cattle and Horse 70S Other Mvetfock 710 Poultry and Rabbits 715 Livestock Supplies llav and drain 72S Pasturr-Stables-Srrvlcea Stock ft Supplies Wanted 7:15 and earDage paia. Alter a p.m.. zoo 500 Mobile Homes LOG ENDS Split or unsplit Delivered, three cord loads only.

INDUSTRIES, 838-2149 5860. Antiques SOS Building Materials Hie Bicvcles-Tovs HIS NORTH ALBANY, quiet location, near schools, two bedroom duplex. Carpet, stove, refrigerator, drapes, garage. $145. Call 926-2195.

evenings. Cameras-Photo Supplies K.Dl RETIRED LADY; cozy ground Boor, one bedroom, furnished apartment, 8x32 KENSKILL trailer, one bedroom, lurnished. $2000. Call 752-6105. Farm It Ranch Equipment S2S CEDAR firewood, delivered.

258-6073, Lebanon. only $80. All utilities except light and heal furnished. No smokers or 700 Pets and Supplies REPOSSESSION: 1973 14x65 Nashua Wood and Fuel H38 Hobbies and Crafts TWO BEDROOM house for rent, furniture for sale, just move In. 928-2723.

afler 5 p.m., weekdays, anytime, weekends. spotless, set-up, ready to move into drinkers. 430 W. Fourth. 926-1485.

WOOD FOR SALE by the load. $35 a load. Call 258-5179. Household Appliances S40 Household Furniture H43 $364.94 moves you in. Take over 132 remaining payments of $115.98, 12,78 STUDIO apartment.

Call Viking Real AT STUD, tiny toy poodle, $25 unii'gistered, $35 registered. 928-3719, 9211-3070. annual nercentaee rate, Total TV. Radio and Stereo 845 Estate. 926-9489.

TWO bedroom duplex, stove, deferred payment price, including Food and Produce 8.W SEASONED FIR, fireplace wood and stove wood. Prompt delivery. 928-4997 or 926-1314. refrigerator, garage, carpel, close to schools and stores, available Moving and Storage 85:1 TWO BEDROOM apartment in AKC ENGLISH Springer Spaniel pups, $30 each. Call 926-1180.

(iarageand HummagrSales 855 Miscellaneous for Salf 8S8 February 1st. No singles or pels. 926 4030. U-banon, $125 monthly, $50 deposit 258-4404. interest $15,674.30.

VALLEY MOBILE HOMES FIR FIREPLACE wood. $25 a cord, Maple $30, delivered in Albany area. 92M705. Miscellaneous Wanted 8S5 PROFESSIONAL poodle grooming, reasonable rates for all sizes. Call for an appointment today.

Tana Page, FURNISHED apartments, utilities, Musical Instruments X70 NEWER Iwo bedroom duplex in country, $145. 926-4277. Henshaw Realty." $25 and $30 weekly. Pacific Motel. 1640 l.awn-tiarden Equipment 875 1 a mile west of Interstate 5 Corvallis exit on Highway 34.

Look for the huge E. Pacific. 926-2668. Nursery Mock-Supplies 877 FIR, $30. Oak, $35.

Delivered at no extra charge. 327-2008. for gold building. 928-2307 500 Mobile Homes 500 Office Equipment 880 Sporting (ioods 8X51 Swaps 8W Mobile Homes FURNISHED- APARTMENTS rent. 505 Lyons Street.

926-0570. TWO bedroom house, fenced buckvard, close to schools and shopping, pets okav. $140. Available February 10. 926-4609.

FIR FIREWOOD, $30 a cord, delivered. 1-259-1423, if no answer, call evenings. Miscellaneous Display 895. TWO BEDROOM furnished apart Oakwood Manor AJI utilities paid Large new one and two bedroom Shag carpeting Drapes Dishwasher Garbage disposal large carpeted rec. room pool table available for private parties Heated pol Ofl-street porklng Close to school and shopping Private patios or decks $155 monthly 3510 S.

Oak-Apt. 17 926-7856 ment. wall lo wall carpeting, water- garbage paid, no children or pets. $120 Household Appliances 840 Antiques 805, nionin vm nasi. BRASS AND copper fireplace fenders, WESTSIDE Urge Iwo bedroom unit, wall to wall carpel, range, refrigerator, drapes, space for washer and dryer, quiet neighborhood, onlv per month.

Cull before 5 p.m., 926 4468. FURNISHED ONE bedroom bachelor lidy sets and lea kettles. Collectors apartment, all utilities included at $65. castle, 3240 Knox uutte sze-om 327-2480 or 394-3741. REPOSSESSED General Electric 18 pound capacity dryer $164.70 with warranty MASTER SERVICE CENTER Santiam at Waverly, 926-4478 932 WASHINGTON OAK COMMODES, bed, dresser, chest Available now: One bedroom fur of drawers, hall tree, tables and other collectibles.

1812 S. Marion. 928-3439 OLDER Iwo bedroom house with lireplace. $125. 926-4277.

Henshaw Really. nished, water and garbage paid, $92 per month, can vx-im. 800 Auctions Auctions 800) Unfurnished Apartments 400 SPACIOUS 2 BKDHOOM. shag carpet, appliances, drapes, laundry room, garage, large ienced yards, part utilities paid. 928-9406.

COUNTRY LIVING! Children and pels welcome. Three and four bedroom duplexes, fireplace, garage. share tennis court ana community olavsround Add nances can be fur mshed 237 24) and 25 Aialei. Adair BIN! MOBILE HOMES 1 973 CLEARANCE PRIC1U JIEARANCE WAS PRICE MARLETTE 14x70 2 bedroom expando living room. $14,500 1 2,995 MARLETTE 24x62 3 bedroom $20,000 $1 8,295 TAMARACK 14x64 2 bedroom $9,000 $7,995 TAMARACK 14x70 3 bedroom $9,600 $8,595 KIRKWOOD 14x64 2 bedroom $9,000 $7,995.

KIRKWOOD 24x60 2 bedroom $15,500 $1 3,995 BARRINGTON 24x60 2 bedroom. $15,500 1 3,995 BARRINGTON 24x64 3 bedroom. $16,500 $1 5,395 OPEN 0 AM to 6 PM DAILY-926-3565 926-8484-SUNDAY BY APPOINTMENT PHONE 926-1 360 PKI AAODII UAACC Highway 34 and 5 miles from Corvallisf5 miles from. DIN VlVsJDILC nVJVlCO Oakville Road Albany, 5 miles from the Freeway Meadows. 926-2SOO or call collect 357 4396 0D 648 9343.

SPECIAL AUCTION Sunday, Jan. 27th, 1 p.m. (Regular antiqut auction stcond Saturday of ovry month) Fancy period furniture and antiques WALNUT MAHOGANY OAK Partial listing: Parlor sts, Victorian and Frtnch. Solas, chairs, lovtsoats, toblt and chairs, bulltts, sideboards, bedroom sets In mahogany, large hunters cabinet, 10 piece carved dining room set, large mahogany bubble glass front china closet. Mirrors, pictures, marble top tobies ond sideboards, Tiliany-type lampshades, drop front bookcase desk, round oak tablet, tome glassware, brlc-o broc.

MANY OTHER ITEMS. 1929 Four door Model A tedan, excellent condition, SCOTTY STARLIGHT AUCTION 4744 Center St. SALEM BankAmericard ond consignments welcome. AUCTIONEER; Dick Borchers i Phone 364 64 33 or 364-3421 ALBANY'S FINEST BRAND NEW LAKESIDE MANOR Beautiful colonial townhousei with 2 bedroom unfurnished ihog carpet, drapes electric heal dish wosher, washer ond dryer 1 baths electric fireplaces excellent location special lease rates off-street porklnQ Also, this summer swimming pool, heated tennii courts recreation room with pool table Now taking applications ond reservation! See at 705 S. Waverly or call 926-0894 3 or 4 BEDROOM UNITS FOR RENT ADAIR MEADOWS Coll for appointment.

Albany Democrat-Herald from Albany, Oregon (2024)
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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.