The Times Herald from Port Huron, Michigan (2024)

SUNDAY, APRIL 1, 2001 4E TIMES HERALD, PORT HURON. MICHIGAN Legal Notices Legal Notices General Help Wanted General Help Wanted General Help Wanted General Help Wanted General Help Wanted In Memory General Help Wanted Security SECURE YOUR CAREER With PinkenorvBurns Security, tne 1 no me in security. We would like to invite you to loin our team of SECURITY personnel. SECURITY OFFICERS Port-Time Full Time Security Background a Plus Must pass drug screens ond background checks and possess a clean driving record. Position located in Marlette, Ml.

Apply in person at our Flint Office: 1605 W. Atherton Flint. Ml (Next to post office.) PINKERTON BURNS SECURITY EOE Roadhawk Travel Center Is now hiring Cosh-iers tor olio shifts. Full or port 90 Doy Bonus Progrom. Benefits include holiday pay, vacation pay.

401 ond insurance ovailable. Please apply in per- Rd (1-94 Exit 262) PORT HURON GOLF CLUB Accepting applications tor: Servers Dishwashers Bus Staff Cooks Apply Monday through Friday 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. 4101 Fairway Fort Gratiot PRODUCTION CONTROL ANALYST The position requires knowledge of Inventory Control and labor reporting systems. Knowledge of the AIM manufacturing Software a plus. Candidate must be familiar with Microsoft Excel, Word, and Outlook.

Candidate must be able- to detect and resolve System problems. Please send resume to: CASCO Plastic Tooling Co 50450 E. Russell Schmidt Blvd. Chesterfield, Ml 48051 Attention: Humon Resources Deportment RELEASE CLERK for Port Huron bridge office. Full time 4-12 Tues.

through customer service skills, PC experience, detail oriented, enjoys fast paced environment, fax resume to: 810 984-0741 Secretory 2 part-time positions for reception, word processing, etc. Mental Health Substance Abuse Therapists Part time positions. PhD, CSW, LPC, or LLP required. Send or Fax resume to: Regina Friedmann, ACSW; Professional Counseling Center 520 Superior Street Port Huron, Ml 48060 FAX: (810 984-8896 EOE. Semi-mechanically inclined person needed full-time for our Port Huron location, 810-694-0435 TARGET Now Hiring Cashiers And Evening Sales Team Members Apply at Target, 4300 24th Avenue, Fort Gratiot, Ml.

Charter Township East China. St. Ckr County, Michigan Planning Commission Notice a Public Hearing On Proposed Construction of Electric Power Generating Plant April 1, 2001 at 7: p.m. PLEASOAKE NOTICE that pursuant to the requirements of Article IS. Section 1610! 3) of the East China Township Zoning Or- dmonce concerning uses permitted subiect to speciol conditions in the 1-2 industrial district.

3 public hearing wll be held on April 10, 2001 in the Eost China Cha-ter Township Moll, 5111 River Rood, Eost Chi na. County of St. Clctr. Michigan. The Public Hearing will commence 07.00 p.m.

The purpose of the hearing is to obtain public comment, if any, concerning the proposed construction by DTE Energy Services. Inc. of an electric power generating plant on property currently owned by Detroit Edison Company for which DTE is seeking a rezoning from l-l to 1-2 to permit the subiect use. The property is described as an approximately 59 3 acre parcel located on Remer Road, which is port of tax parcel 74-18-051-0001-200 and is general described os: Being port of the South 'j of Section 18, Town 4 North, Ronge 17 East, East China Township, SI. Clair County, Michigan.

Beginning ot the South Vi Corner of said Section 18; thence South 87 Degrees 59' 05" West, 725.40 feet, along the South line of said Section IB and the center-line of the former Remer Road; thence North 02 degrees 12' 25" West, 1432.53 feet; thence North 67 degrees 47' 35" East, 1800.00 feet; thence South 02 degrees 12' 25" East; 1440.00 feet; thence South 88 degrees 02' 42" West, 1074 61 feet, along the South line of said Section 18 and the cen-terline of the former Remer Road, to the point of beginning. This notice is published and posted in compliance with Public Act 267 of 1976, as amended (Open Meetings Act), MCL (2) (3) and the Americans With Disability Act. The Township will arrange for necessary equipment or interpreters at Township meet ingshearings for hearing impaired persons with 72 hours (3 working days) notice. The Township hire a person to transcribe minutes in Braille. Individuals with disabilities requiring these services should contact the Township Oflice at 810-765 8879 or write to: 5111 River Road, East China, Michigan, 48054.

Michael D. Kavanaugh, Administrator General Help Wanted Starting $27,000 A Yr $13 Hourly Plus to Start Collections and management skills preferred but not required. Strong interpersonal skills 0 must. Able to lift 70 pounds. Must have valid driver's license.

Benefits include health, 401 paid vacations. Please fax resume to: (810) 982-9163 or apply at 3528 Pine Grove Avenue, No calls please. St. Clair County Intermediate School District Teacftfrfficfes High school groduate or equivalent. Post work experience with people who are mentally impaired or group home training desirable.

CPR and first aid training pre-lerred. $8.86 per hour. Send letter of interest ond resume to: Personnel St. Clair County ISD P.O. Box 5001 Port Huron, Ml 48061-5001 FAX: 810-364-5235 e-mail: iobsCstclair-isd.

k)2 EOE Tellers Join a winning team at Citizens First Savings Bank. We are seeking full time tellers in St. Clair County. No experience necessory. Training and career opportunities available.

Paid vacation and holidays, tuition reimbursem*nt. CFS offers competitive wages plus commission and benefits. High School Diploma or GED required. Complete application at any CFS branch or forward to: Human Resources Citizens First Savings Bank 525 Water Street Port Huron, Ml 48060 EOE No Phone Calls Please Sales Handy Person wpoiniin9. carpentry people skins.

Resumes to P.O. Bo 610225. Port Huron, Ml 48061-0225. WANTED St. Ciair County Council on Av)ing.

inc. has tne following position open: Kitchen Aide Downriver Apply ot area Senior Center or call 964-5061 ext. 135. HELP WANTED: Immediate opening for manual labor at setting Manufactured Homes, benefits, no experience necessary, clean driver's license required, (810 3958j7 Landscape Foreman and Labor Positions Available, experience helpful, competitive pay, benefits, retirement, call Mon. thru Fri.

a m. 5 p.m. to set up an appointment, (810) 329 9466. Landscape Foreman anti Laborers, experienced counts, Knowlton's 984 8532 Light Industrial Assembly, Pockoging Machine Operator up to t400week Port Huron, Marysville, Memphis Apply 1-3 313 12 Huron 204 Social Security Card and Picture ID SPHERION LOOKING for motivated care givers and cooking staff, all shifts, competitive wages bene-fits 982-4142 before 5pm' MECHANIC-TRUCK Beraer and Son's Truck Repair in Clinton Township, seeks experienced Certified Truck Tech. $18-522 an hour, paid health, vacation, 401 810-4686301 MECHANICS NEEDED Full Part Time.

Full time benefits include Blue CrossBlue Shield with optical and dental. Family coverage available. Life, disability and tool insurance. Pension plan. Part time benefits include pro rated vacation pay, 80-20 co-pay Blue CrossBlue Shield.

Flexible scheduling, uniforms furnished. $12.45 to $14.85 per hour based on certilications. Both positions require afternoon and weekend shifts. Physical and drug screen required. Apply ot Blue Water Area Transit, 2021 Cleveland Port Huron.

An Equal Opportunity Employer. llfllll Attention Employers! All employment ads may be called in directly to our Employment Advertising Department (810) 989-6228 or direct faxed to (810) 989-7624, Times Herald NOW HIRING Reliable, experienced Front Desk Positions, full part time. Apply in person at Ramada Limited, 2282 Water Street, Port Huron. Part Time phone sales for Basketball Game with Detroit Lions. guaranteed, plus bonuses.

Apply in person at 2008 10th Avenue, Port Huron, pm Mon thru Thurs. Plumber Service Subcontractor, must have own tools and truck, 3 years minimum expen- ence, 810-326-4500 Singers needed to host Karaoke shows, must have references and be reliable, 966-4696. DETROIT EDISON Engineer DTE Energy, a lead er in the power industry locoted in Southeastern Michi gan, is seeking qualified oppuconts for entry-level Engineer positions witn our Fossil Generation Organization for var ious plant locations. Interested oppliconts must have a Bachelor's of Science degree in Electrical, Mechonical, or Chemical Engineer ing or a Bochelor's of Science degree in Chemistry or Environmental Science. You must communicate effectively both orally and in writing.

Typical assignments under general direc lion of engineers in the Fossil Generation Organization would be to perform assignments requiring a basic knowledge of engineering principles, preparing the individual for more responsible po sitions. This position is considered to be in progression with increasing responsibility for self-direction and contacts with others, you will Per form specific Fossil Generation studies as directed, meet with engineers ond other personnel within the Company, ond occasionally outside the Company, as re quired to carry our assignments. Duties include attending such meetings without direct supervision on small protects ond under the direction of an engineer on large projects, documenting study results ond making necessary exhibits to communicate project conclusions to others, as well as preparing diagrams and drawings for other engineers andor technicians. May direct work of technician, student engineers. and operators.

Du ties also include up dating office procedural manuals, documents, and ref erence material as required: performing special tests, cal culations, reports; and making draw ings as assigned, you will prepare and write reports on test results, instrument calibrations, water practices, or other special projects, (i.e. boiler acid cleaning, etc) and perform calculations, tests investigations neces sary to- maintain optimum plant performance and efficiency. The successful applicant will also initiate programs on improvements in maintenance and operating methods by testing, investigating working with vendors, and by apply ing basic engineering principles. Performs other related duties and special studies as assigned. Detroit Edison offers a competitive salarybenefits package with opportunities for career growth.

Please send your resume and salary re quirements post marked no later than April 14th, 2001, to: Detroit Edison, HR Rewards, Placement Technology, Code: 01-1141, PO. Box 33065, Detroit, Ml 482325065, or e-mail to: careers (indicate code: 01- 1141 on all correspondence). Visit our Web site at: We are an EOAA Employer In Lsvim Memory Oi Wilbrt R. Odle who died I year 090 today, April 1, 2000. He is oone from our lives, but lives forever in our hearts.

Sodly missed by wife Beverly; children, Billy, Ken and Kim; brothers, sisters and trieids. RYAN In loving memory of Terry S. Ryon, who passed owoy I year 090 March JO. 2000. Your memory is my keepsake; with that I'll never port.

God has you in his keep ing; I have you in my heart My heart still oches with sadness; Sweet teors still How. What it meant to lose you; no one will ever know. You ore not forgotten nor will you ever be; as long as life and memory last; I will remember thee. Sadly missed by his wife and children, family and friends. Special Notices NEED DENTURES Free Consultation Take Advantage of The Exchange Rate.

Morris Denture Clinic, Sarnia Call 1.888-578-2748 Social Security Disability Claims Former attorney for the Social Security Administration of staff. Free phone consultation. Evan Zagoria Provizer, Lichtenstein, Phillips PC 1-800-288 9060. Today's Date is Sunday, April 1, 2001. Found Found Medium sire black male dog, tan collar, no tail, Kilgore Rd.

810-419-7214 Found collie mix on 10th male, very friendly! Has collar. Call cell phone 810-280-2401. FOUND-2 small beagles, males, collars, Wales Twp. on 0328,01. 810-325-1198 Lost- 3-76, 1 vellow gold pierced hoop earring.

Vicinity Marysville United Methodist Church Reward 364 6730 LOST- dark gray tabby with red collar and leash attached, lost around 5200 block of Lakeshore, Fort Gratiot. Coll 385-4077. LOST Communication Radio (looks like cell phone) on 32301. $50 Reward. Call 987-4418 Missing- 2 adult 3 wheel bikes, missing from backyard.

Blue with large baskets on ack. Reward! 810-765-5087. General Services Don't have time to CLEAN ORGANIZE your home, let us take care of It! Call (810)329-0918 WE'RE A WELCOME PART OF SOME PRETTY BUSY LIVES. 72 of newspaper readers aged 18-24 read the Classifieds last week. This young market is on the move, looking for iobs, homes, cars and dates.

Call today! 982-5555 Monday-Friday lam 6pm Jim FomsTOrtli There not a night 1 that passes or a day so clear, that I don 't thinks about you and wish that you were here. Low, Mom. SaJIv Missed By ramify Friends DETROIT EDISON Engineering Technician DTE Energy, a lead er in the power in dustry locoted in Southeastern Michi gan, is seeking quoli tied oppliconts for entry-level Engineering Technician posi tions with our Fossil Generation Or gan i jot ion for various plant locations. Interested applicants must have on Associate's of Science de gree in Engineering, Chemistry, Environ mental Science, Electronics Technology, Engineering Technology, Indus trial Technology or Nuclear Technology from a recognized college or university or satisfactory completion of two years of a four-year Engineering, Chemistry, Environmental Sci ence, Electronics Technology, Engineering Technology, Industrial Technology or Nuclear Technology progrom from a recognized college or university. Must have the ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing.

Typical assignments would be to solve power plant engineering problems using mathematical formulas and electrical mechanical principles. You will conduct or assist in the test and evaluation of actual performance characteristics of power plant operating and control equipment and compare with design specifications. You will also write reports to communicate findings to interested personnel, determine causes or reasons for equipment difficulties or failures, rec ommend corrective action, and perform other related duties as assigned such as contract administration, quality control and quality assurance. Detroit Edison offers a competitive salarybenefits package with opportunities for career growth. Please send your re sume and salary requirements postmarked no later than April 14th, 2001, to: Detroit Edison, HR Rewards, Placement Technology, Code: 01-0281, P.O.

Box 33065, Detroit, Ml 482325065, or e-mail to: careersfl (indicate code: 01- 0281 on all correspondence). Visit our Web site at: We are an EOAA Employer Greenhouse general help, full time or part time, apply at greenhouse only, 3125 King Road, China, 329-9779. Hair Stylist Part and full time positions need to be filled at the International Hair Design and Spa, Call 385-5656. HAIR STYLISTS Full time (30hours for benefits) and part time. Earnings protection for 90 days.

Flexible work schedules. Full benefit package available including paid holidays, vacation, and personal days. Current licenses required. JCPENNEY BIRCHWOOD MALL Port Huron 385-9800 Housekeeper 15-20 hours per week. apply Pine Tree Motel, 3121 Lapeer: VorU Of Energy.

A Care Givers ore neeoed for the Eost China Scnool District Child Cor Progrom. Mornings and afternoons. Hours will vary. $7.59 per hour. Apply ot tne Eost China School District.

1585 Meisner Rood. Eost China (810) 676-1033 CHILD CARE Interested in slaying home ond becoming a child core provider? If so the child core profession may be for you. For information on becoming a registered fomily child core provider, contact Community Coordinated Child Core, 4C. Coll 1400-621-8661. Cool Handlers Plant Cleoners Day Shift.


FOR A CONFIDENTIAL INTERVIEW CALL MONDAY THRU WEDNESDAY 9:00 to 5:00 THIS WEEK ONLY 800-578-9679 AND ASK FOR SCOTT. EOE MF FAX RESUMES TO (810) 984-3566. Custodian I St. Clair County currently has a vacancy for a full time Custodian I to perform general cds-todian ond various building and ground maintenance tasks. Candidates must be a high school graduate or GED equivalent.

Candidates must refer to requisition number 01-026 to assure candidacy to this position. Apply by April 6, 2001 to: St. Clair County Human Resources 200 Grand River; Suite 203 Port Huron, Ml 48060 (810) 989-6910 Fax: (810) 985-3493 An Equal Opportunity Employer DELIVERY DRIVER, must be reliable with good driving record. Apply at Mattress Liquidators, 3585 Pine Grove. DESKTOP PUBLISH ING PERSON with cus tomer service skills.

Excellent wage and benefit package. Send resume to: Times Herald Box 1806, 911 Military Street, Port Huron, Ml 48060. Driver HOME DAILY Dedicated Customers $50,000 per year $1500 Bonus New Equipment 100 No Touch No Forced Dispatch Clean Work 25 yrs old w2 yrs experience. Class A CDL required 866-339-0072 Drivers Here To Stay! Let's Work Together So You Can Stay In The Tank Drivers, Owner Operators, Dispatchers, Office Staff, Terminal Managers STABILITY Financial Security Largest Reload System Which Yields MORE Loaded Miles 100 Fuel Surcharge Pass Thru More Join the LARGEST Tank Carrier in America today! Call 888-527-6523 or 888-234-2350, 888-235-2543 www.quolitv DRIVERS needed for gravel train. Experience required.

Excellent wages, benefits, vacation pay, trucks fully maintained by mechanics, coll (810) 727-1627. EXPERIENCED ON-SITE OPTICAL DISPENSER needed part time. Port Huron area. $25 per hour. 8 hours per month 6-8 a.m.

and p.m. Any inquiries call Judy Miller AOSAFETY 1 800 678-4163 ext. 42910 EXPERIENCED painter- wanted, new construction, interior and exterior, staining and painting, (810) 384-6989. Full Time Cook wanted. Apply in person 9am-2pm at the Lvnwood Bar, 596 Busha Hwy, Marysville.

GM Dealer seeking Technician for Body Paint Repair. Blue CrossDental, paid holidays vacations. Contact Leif McRobbie at MILNES CHEVY OLDS PONTIAC call (810 724-0561 Let CSR work for vou weeks of steady wort available Apply within. 31M Gratiot Ay. Morysville Plata 14-5001 E.O.E.

AFC Home hiring font mittej QUALIFIED AIDES, coll between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. 9824439 AH Time Communications now accepting for office ond sales positions, (810) 725-4884. Animal Control Officer I St. Clair County currently has a full time vacancy for on Animal Control Officer I to provide County wide enforcement of oil state statutes and county ordinances os relates to dogs and other animals.

Candidates should hove completion of a standard high school course and certification os an Animal Control Officer, police officer or at least 3 veors as on Animal Control Officer and Certificate of training in injectable euthanasia of animals. Candidates must refer to requisition number 01 -028 to ossure candidacy to this position. Apply by April 16, 2001 to: St. Clair County Human Resources 200 Grand River; Suite 203 Port Huron, Ml 48060 (810) 989-6910 Fax: (810 985-3493 An Equal Opportunity Employer ASSISTANT MECHANIC Assist in maintenance of district vehicles, Including buses and small engine equipment. Maintain district grounds and athletic fields.

JlO.OOhr 60 days probationary $10.75 with one week vacation 1st year Full benefit package Qualifications: High school diploma One-year experience in engine repair. Experience in operation of commercial lawn equipment. CDL desirable Capac Community Schools Personnel Department 403 N. Glassford Capac, Michigan 48014 Deadline: April 20, 2001 Attention! Local company has several openings in our Pol lution control Department. no experience necessar-y.

Must have own transportation. Call Monday 10 a.m. 4 p.m, Tuesday, 10 a.m. 1 p.m. (810) 779-0170 Auto Sales Person Wanted Blue Water Dodge is a large volume dealer seeking an experienced Sales Person.

401 Health Benefits Excellent Pay Plan Excellent Working Conditions See Tom Kennedy today! BRICK LAYERS AND TENDERS, excellent pay and benefits, call 329-3392. CAMP COOKS SEASONAL Society of St. Vincent DePaul Help Us Help Others" Opportunity to work with a diverse staff. Be creative in preparing meals kids and staff would enioy. Experience preparing food in large quantities, preparing and following guidelines for government food programs.

Includes room and board, salary negotiable. Camp located in Sanilac County. Call (313 972-3100 Extension 104. EOE. CARPENTERS EXPERIENCED benefits, call 810 794-9344 that could come true.

5Ki0 Food Service 'JJ SYSCO's reputation 4 comes with the Fortune 100 says it all! Fortune 100 SYSCO Food Services has openings in the Port Huron area for food rtJ service commissioned salus associates. Selling a wide array ol grocery items, equipment 'il supplies. other products lo restaurants, I hotels, hospitals, schools and many other instl- tutions. our Sales Associates have access to I I over 275.000 items. SYSCO oilers a starting i "base salary with an 18 month an opportunity to realize unlimited irorpp pvtfnlifl) an 8 week training program tk benefits tliat Ijj include meddenvis.

401k wmatch. stock 4 and eiore. Training class begins on April 23. Fax resume to (734) 397-7690 or mail to: -f HRMA, 41600 Van Born, SA Canton, Ml 48188. SYSCO Food Services of Detroit ala I 4'a 1 rJ Arelcch Information Services, a subsidiary of SEMCO ENERGY.

leading natural ps supplier in Michigan, is currently conduilinR a search fur an: AS400 Operations Help Desk Support Full and Part-Time Positions Available In addition lo pi-miding first line suppiin lo cusliimers and end-users, these skilled communicators will maintain dienl senw processes and AV-H) jobs and processes hile performing daily systems backups. Additional responsibilities will include monitoring all communication lines, logging all telephone calk and providing support to the Internet customer base. The ideal candidates will possess in-depth knowledge of A.V4II0 operations, MS indows operating systems and MS Office software suite. A bachelor's degree a related field is preferred and some weekend and holiday hours arc required. Join a recognized leader offering attractiw pay.

excellent benefits, and superior career potential. Send resume to: SEMCO ENERGY, Attn: Staffing Dept, 405 Hater Street, P.O. Box 5026, Port Huron. Ml 48061-5026. Email: Careerssemcoenergy.coin.

Fax: 8I0-987-72K6. An EHVAA Employer. AUTOMOTIVE An immediate opening is now available at the Elkton facility for a Coordinate Measuring Machine Programmer-Operator. This role supports the manufacturing process by ensuring statistical quality of metal automotive parts by using computerized measuring equipment methods. Applicant qualifications include: ability to operate and program a coordinate measuring machine knowledge of CATIA andor CAD Systems working knowledge of geometric dimensioningtolerancing and statistical applications excellent math skills successful past work experience demonstrating ability to work as in a team-oriented environment with ability to communicate effectively with all areas of the business Tower Automotive is a global supplier of high-quality, engineered metal stamping and assemblies for.

North American car, mini-van and light truck manufacturers. Tower Automotive offers an excellent salary and competitive benefit package. Please submit your resume and cover letter stating applicable experience and salary his-! tory in confidence to: i Tower Automotive Colleague Growth and Development i 81 Drettmann Drive Elkton, Michigan 48731 FAX: (517) 375-4563 INVITATION TO BID Marlette Community Hospital Construction Issue 3 Fuel Oil Distribution, lawn Sprinkler System, Landscaping, Carpentry, Architectural Woodwork, Waterproofing, Counter ire Door, Skylights, Interior GypsumAcoustical, Ceramic Tile, Flooring, Wallcover-Paints, Visual Display, Mural. Light, Lockers, Operable Panelartition, Therapy Pool, Window Treatments, linear Accelerator Vault, Fire Protection, Plumbing, HVAC, Electrical. Bid documents are available by deposit at Helger Construction Inc.

(517) 496-3480, plan rooms and for review at Marlette Community Hospital. Bids due April 5, 2001 before 2:00 p.m. SEMCOENERGY GAS COMPANY Changing With The In Loving Memory of Joan iParfer 71 lo Tossed Away 2 fears tyo Today ApriC 1,1999 4 -J Manager Business manager needed for Five Star Chrysler Dodge dealership in north Macomb County. Excellent pay plan. Complete benefits package includes: life, disability, health, vision, dental and prescription insurance; 401k retirement plan; paid vacation.

Experience preferred, but will train the right person. Richmond Chrysler Dodge at 810-727-5852. PETRI INC. MATERIALS MANAGER Takata Petri a Port Huron based safety restraint supplier, is currently seeking a qualified candidate for the open position of Materials Manager. The ideal candidate will have a four-year degree and 5 years experience in a hands-on materials man- agement position, preferably automotive, in addition to experience with PRMS.

The position will be responsible for assisting and managing the materials group including inventory control, procurement of direct materials, material flow and storage to meet company goals and objectives. We offer a competitive wage and benefit package. Please send resume with salary history to: Human Resources Takata Petri Inc. 2223 Dove Street, Port Huron, Ml 48060 EOE Joan, so many times we needed you. So many times we cried.

If our Cove alone could Have saved you, you never would have died, ft heart of gold stopped Seating the day you went to rest. To some you are forgotten, but to us your love widlast. If we could have one lifetime wish, one dream H'e would pray to Qodwith all our hearts for yesterday and you. Sadly missed by, husband Jim, Twin Sister Joanne, Sister 9ancy, $iece 'Betty, family friends.

The Times Herald from Port Huron, Michigan (2024)
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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.